General Discussion

General DiscussionMap Death Flux Zones

Map Death Flux Zones in General Discussion

    Hi Guys,

    First topic so don't be too harsh.

    I was sitting at home the other day and added another death to the countless i have suffered in DoTA 2.
    I began to wonder where I die most and with which heroes.

    So i think it would help a great deal if DOTABUFF looked into this - having the map with spots of red where people die the most. the darker the red the more people die. They can also allow people to filter which heroes are where and who kills them.

    This will help us greatly to determine vantage points.

    I assume this would be quite hard with the way that the system's of both DoTA 2 and DOTABUFF work at the moment.

    It would be cool if someone can look into it.


      As cool as it would be, how would it actually be useful? Positioning is situational, looking at a map of deaths won't help learn where to stand.


        Hmm... Let's make some scenarios.
        - Dire carry is heavily farm dependent and behind, you'd see a lot of red dots in Dire jungle.
        - Dire team is pushing bottom lane but also ready for a fight. Wards are placed down near pull camp to spot movement of Radiant. Pickoffs are made before Radiant team is able to initiate.
        - Typical Pudge camping spots mean red spots.
        - Radiant Enigma smokes to gank offlane Timbersaw @ bottom tower as Juggernaut and Crystal Maiden push tower.

        Err this makes no sense. lol. There are millions of possibilities in D2 and its hard to figure out the common spots. Other then typical ganking spots in the early game or Pudge spots for example. Anything can happen, it also depends on if your team has vision as well and things like that, i'm too lazy to write more.


          alot of deaths will be around towers, highground, roshan and fountain


            i like the idea though, and chances are if it can actually be done there will be some surprising findings

            Miku Plays

              im pretty sure fountains will have the darker spot :D