General Discussion

General Discussion2.6k mmr

2.6k mmr in General Discussion
1st class tourist

    How the fuck do I get out of it, I am tired of playing with retards against retards, I tried terrorblyatting me out of 2.6k, works so far.

    Any other tips?


      New account


        stop selling drugs and play more dota.

        1st class tourist

          But...But...If I stop selling my drugs how will I get my hats and make volvo satisfied :(?


            Start playing seriously, pick heroes you're best with. If you're truly higher skilled you will go up the scales...




                why would u want to get out of the best bracket ever? I mean srsly, in your games, whatever u pick u can rape face. Pure fun. I played a couple of games on a 2.5k account.

                If you are retarded then go for the lame picks: slark, tinker, invoker, doom, void,... but rly no need for that.

                Stop believing everything gets nicer the higher your number in your dota profile is.

                Este comentario fue editado
                Oh Shit Waddup

                  it really doesnt get better.

                  atm im 4.3k which is still pretty eh and theres still people who make stupid picks and get caught out and dont play well. everyone has their bad day and alot of the time there are flamers and ragers. the best thing to do is try to have a good time, afterall its a game. if you want to increase your actual skill level, play with a team, get some friends together and actually try to win as a team instead of just trying to do whatever you do solo cause at the end of the day, solo MMR means jack all.

                  i have a friend who is 2.8k solo but plays like 4k in a team

                  and then there is the 4.5k people who play like a 2k and rage. its just a number.

                  for me, even though i only play ranked its not all about the number. the number doesnt tell you that youre getting better, your gameplay tells you that youre getting better. if you cant feel improvements in your gameplay then a rising number means fuck all

                  Hex Sigma

                    ^this dude is right. The only thing that matters regarding soloq is epeen.

                    Kamado Kun

                      im at 2.8k and i follow stupid ppl advice if u want to get higher just instamute ur team and play the best you can, you will be 4k in no time


                        Here's the REAL truth, it matters a little bit because by being here you essentially confess you care a little about your epeen. We all do. Solo queue NEVER gets good because there are problems in every bracket, even in 5k+.

                        Right now I'm in 5k+ and you find like every other game there is a horrific imbalance in MMR because there is not enough 5k+ players online at the time, so sometimes you're matched with 6k+ and sometimes with 4ks. Yes some people play a lot better in a team and yes there are some players who you think 'how did you get above 1k' BUT by and large, the mmr system is a good indicator at the rough abilities and expectations you can have, for example, at 2k you shouldn't expect your supports to stack, pull, pull through, not take your last hits, roam, smoke, gank etc etc whereas in 5k it's all kinda standard.

                        Seriously though, my best advice for improvement is take every game seriously and concentrate from min 1 to the end, eventually your try-hard will become your normal and you should be climbing in no time.

                        the realm's delight

                          4,4k how do i get out of it


                            "I am tired of playing with retards against retards"

                            If you're not one of them then you could easily get out of 2.8k.

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              I crush people who have an mmr 300 below me, im sure people w/300 above would crush me to
                              the only reason you aren't meant to be in that bracket would be if your a rager
                              otherwise you capped out around 2.8k w/2000 games some people just aren't naturally good at games and they aren't going to improve much


                                play better.

                                Hatsune Miku

                                  2.8k is heaven


                                    play TINKER


                                      Remember though, 2800 isn't that terrible, pre ranked 2250 was valves official average.

                                      No one knows for sure what it is now, but I guess 2800 would be near to it.

                                      1st class tourist

                                        @mike37... Never played Tinker, not bothering to play him anyways, I find him stupid.

                                        ""I am tired of playing with retards against retards"

                                        If you're not one of them then you could easily get out of 2.8k."

                                        Hard to carry 4 death weights, no matter how good you are.

                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                          its not hard you're just as bad as them or mby even worse since you cant even see that


                                            losing more games than you win with tinker is definitely the way to increase your mmr


                                              Agreed with Andgrogynous, as Androgynous is always right.

                                              Androgynous <3


                                                "I am tired of playing with retards against retards"
                                                "Hard to carry 4 death weights, no matter how good you are."

                                                You have 4 death weights (5 if you're one of them, let's assume you're not), the enemy team has 5.

                                                4 death weights +1 good player vs. 5 death weights. 99.9% chance that the one with the good player wins.

                                                EDIT: added some stuff removed typos.

                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  Is there any point in these threads?
                                                  it was all said 100 times you can't do much except doing your best, try to have fun and just relax.
                                                  I'm in 2800 atm and no advice will help me get out of it, except playing more games and doing my best in every game.
                                                  The win chance ONLY depends on luck(assuming you are as good as you/I say) since sometimes you get braindead people in team, sometimes you get team that is too strong for this bracket even.
                                                  And no, saying for every retard in your team there is a retard in theirs is not helping - IT IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE.

                                                  I also started getting these "push mid" lowbies, which no matter how game goes their only plan is go all mid... even if we are winning they just go highground 1 by 1 and feed.
                                                  Anyway, GL HF


                                                    Hmm meepo should be able to get you out of this ello hell, I don't see why not if you can't then it probably means you actually belong there. Seriously meepo players carry hard at that mmr.


                                                      Get good at one hero, spam that hero, escape trench.


                                                        it is hard.
                                                        You will be less likely to improve if you keep playing with those 2.6k players.
                                                        try find a 3.5k-4.5k friend and stack with him. Be patient be humble and listen to him, and you will improve a lot.

                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                          realize you suck at the game, go stomp something you are good at. Whenever I lose a couple ranked games (pretty much whenever I play ranked games, cause I suck even more than pretty much everyone), I just go stomp noobs on hearthstone. People are bad even at legend rank


                                                            The mistakes are only an excuse to vent your frustrations. Trust me, it's better this way, to have a 'valid' reason to get mad at video games. Don't believe me? All right, imagine you are 7k mmr. Cream of the crop. Best of the best. You have among you the best the world has offer. Perfect 50% chance for each team to win. No one on your team makes mistakes. Perfect last hits etc.

                                                            But then something horrible happens. One of your team mates die. WHAT?!? This cannot stand! You rage at them, call gg. You can't believe it. You feel the anger boil inside you. That small 'mistake' was enough to cost you the game (I said this is the mythical 7k mmr didn't I?). But as you are intelligent and wise beyond your years, you download the replay, to figure out the mistake your 'noob' team mate did, so it doesn't happen to you. You get closer to the moment of the death. Even now you feel the rage boil inside your vains. He dies. But wait a second...

                                                            He DIDN'T do a mistake. Wait what? You reload the scene back 10 seconds. Again he dies, yet you don't find a mistake he did. No. The enemy team by pure chance was attempting a smoke gank on your carry, you realise. Your noob team mate was just warding like a pro, and he got caught by pure chance. In this harsh realisation of the truth, you feel empty, but still angry for some unexplainable reason. You read the comments you hastily put into all chat. This makes you feel worse, but you are still angry.

                                                            You begin a deep depression as you realise you have a mental disorder that makes you rage too much, for no reason. You are unable to enjoy yourself in your favourite game, which you have spent hours and days of your time on. You withdraw from society, you close friends and family members still supporting you, but deep down inside you you know that they will never treat you the same. Worst of all, your sacred mmr goes down, your emotion affecting your performance. Before you know it, you are back into 2.6k mmr.

                                                            Deep down you have an epithany. As you recover your short-term memory that you lost from your depression (cos that happens?), you become more aware in your Dota games. Hey, they are making mistakes! They are noobs! All your unexplainable anger has finally found a use! Its to rage on noobs! Purpose re-enters your life. You have become the grim reaper, he who seperates the weak-willed who give up on life (aka Dota) and those who flame back at you and decide to improve just to piss you off. You live a happy ever after, realising that its not a big Epeen that matters, it's what you do with.

                                                            TLDR: Shit happens m8. Calm the fuck down. Dota has luck elements in its core, such as random runes, roshan spawn etc to more complex stuff like who you get matched with. Accept this and move the fuck on you retard. The only thing you can do about it you braindead sop is ged guud

                                                            EDIT: I made a few facken mistakes you cunt, don't get your panties in a bunch

                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                              take a look at this ck's build (and farm):

                                                              only in the trench

                                                              播磨 拳児

                                                                its ok

                                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                  just played again, same fucking noobstack, even worse this time


                                                                    I love how you have learned nothing. Your manchild tears sustains me.

                                                                    MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                      What I've learned: Don't queue right away after noobstacks ruin games. Its hard to learn much when your slark steals the safelane then your teammates feed 20+ kills in under 15 minutes


                                                                        >Well Played!


                                                                          after playing on a 4.3k account for a month or so, i came back to this 2.6k account

                                                                          8 wins in a row
                                                                          so far so easy

                                                                          1st class tourist

                                                                            @Priest of SirActionSlacks

                                                                            Such a touching story :(.


                                                                            FV is pretty much auto win, but also a retarded hero.

                                                                            salt enjoyer

                                                                              "Dota has luck elements in its core, such as random runes, roshan spawn etc to more complex stuff like who you get matched with"

                                                                              ""Dota has luck elements in its core" " complex stuff" "Dota has luck" "roshan spawn" "who you get matched with"

                                                                              Priceless gems from the Normal Skill < 2700 MMR bracket.

                                                                              EDIT -

                                                                              Actually no, it's not the Faceless Void that is making him win, it is his better adjusted mechanics and heightened game sense that is helping him the most. He has been playing in mid 4K so he will have adjusted to the gameplay that is expected of him in that bracket, like no joke, if you played with me or with anyone in high-mid 4K you would be 100% way out of your league.

                                                                              A lot of the people I have coached or played with to help improve their gaming haven't done so overnight, they have stayed the same for about 1-2 months then as they begin to adjust they naturally start improving and implementing what they know into their terrible bracket which sets them apart from the others.

                                                                              Take this guy 2700+ when I met him and coached him and he asks for tips from time to time and such and I give him advice and he also scours the forums. He now sits at 3.8K and that was literally in the space of about 3 weeks. He was able to do this by slowly changing the way he played/viewed the game and was able to break the rut of his brackets style of gameplay.

                                                                              THE HARSH TL;DR You have 2000 games of playing like shit, accept this, and learn how to not play the next 2000 games like shit and you will get better, win more games, and get the MMR increase based on how much you improve.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                i found another fun hero.. People should play Tusk more....
                                                                                Gannking potential is sooo damn high

                                                                                salt enjoyer

                                                                                  Tusk is too easy!


                                                                                    bishop your way out.


                                                                                      ^ probably the best advice you could receive

                                                                                      salt enjoyer

                                                                                        In the beginning was the Bishop, and the Word was with Bishop, and the Word was Bishop.

                                                                                        2EZ4TZ 1:1

                                                                                        1st class tourist


                                                                                          Anything I could have done better or different?

                                                                                          Maybe instead of buying second heart a bkb?


                                                                                            ^No gem, no blademail, game lost.

                                                                                            Axe spins through stuns by the way.

                                                                                            Not much you can against a fed rikki in your bracket.


                                                                                              The majority of their damage is physical so armour is much better than raw HP when getting a second heart. Getting a second Heart means you gain about another 20HP per second due to Heart's passive regen (2% of 1060 = ~20), but getting armour means that each point in HP you gain blocks more points of damage due to your armour value.

                                                                                              i.e. regaining 60 HP per second and having 25 armour gives you more survivability than regaining 80 HP per second with 10 armour.

                                                                                              There's not many cases that you should get a second heart over maybe a skadi or an armour item depending on who your hero is.

                                                                                              halberd would've given you similar survivability to the second heart's HP through the evasion, and also the disarm since void doesn't have a BKB. so it'd actually be better for survivability. like above comment, blade mail is good because void and riki are glass cannons (high damage low HP) while you can tank through their damage and kill them with it.

                                                                                              tower damage sucks so you obviously didn't try to take objectives when your team won fights or after you had a numbers advantage with a pickoff. i mean you got 21 kills. there must've been several times where you could've pressured a tower uncontested with the advantage you had.


                                                                                                now that im better than the 2k bracket i can see how easy shit gets here
                                                                                                i dont know how much can i climb, but shit here is just retarded

                                                                                                this game here the tinker was farming ancients from lvl1, all lanes getting crushed to a certain point.. but guys here are always out of position, i always get 2 or 3 in my chronos, so its easy to comeback even if i get pwnt early on.. on their team storm rushed a linken's sphere (for what, exactly?).. this is a game that i would probably lose if i was a 2k player myself, yes i would lose to a 30min storm linken's sphere rush... a blink dagger and shadowblade ursa, etc

                                                                                                people dont have much knowledge


                                                                                                this game i built an aghs and the tide "lol void, aghs? seriously? where is your bfury?" when i had mjollnir....

                                                                                                the good thing here is that usually i dont have to build a bkb so i can go full dmg most of the time
                                                                                                but even with so many bad players its fun as hell to play here because people do the weirdest stuff (like tinker at ancients from lv1)

                                                                                                but one thing ive realized is that people are more cooperative now than they were when i played on this account.. people use mic to set up ganks and stuff, people look more friendly aswell, i dont know if thats because im on the winning team or if the community in general got better at this rating

                                                                                                but definetely people here are less toxic than the 4k fags

                                                                                                1st class tourist


                                                                                                  I tried to tell team to take towers, they refusd and wanted to keep on farming. Nothing much I can do alone as an Axe.

                                                                                                  Isaac The Ellimist

                                                                                                    Tbh I can get any account below 4k to 4k with 80%+ winrate. You must focus on your own mechanics and not your teams. Other day I had an abbadon go 0-19 he was feeding on purpose. Well I still won.

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      Ok here's how you do it OP.

                                                                                                      Step 1: Cut a hole in the box.
                                                                                                      Step 2: Put your dick in that box.
                                                                                                      Step 3: Get your carry to open the box.


                                                                                                        As I read this post, the only thing I think is:
                                                                                                        You are matched with people your level of skill,
                                                                                                        Chronic flames whoever tries new things (Chaos Knight).
                                                                                                        It's only a game and people should calm down.