General Discussion

General DiscussionMy experience in ranked .

My experience in ranked . in General Discussion

    Why would you do dis :(( Cmon look at this
    I remember when they (undying and tusk) snowballed early game, got three divines , i think i managed to pick one up -.-"
    We almost won.. Then they suddenly decided to die , it was on purpose. Thats the sad thing
    I barely ever play ranked because im scared that something like this will happen.

    Should i start playing ranked again ? And if so tips on who to play based on my best played heroes :D Would be appreciated !
    ( Btw please ignore my best played as bloodseeker that was long ago )
    By the way i have a ranked mmr of 1900 ;-;
    Im so close to making a smurf just to see what i get, cuz i hate getting paired up with people who seem to have tourettes ..

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      Never pick Pudge in ranked games! Don't worry about being 1.9K MMR just play ranked games and get more confident with them... Trust me ranked games are so much better than PUB as you play with people your level, in pub you play with bunch of faggots and wastemans that deserve to die (in game). So yah my winrate in ranked is so much higher than PUB. Maybe this means I can be Dendi v2 and play for the International 5... and then I wake up.

      When I started playing Dota 2 6 months ago I spent MORE time watching competitive games on Twitch than playing them because I was afraid of letting my team down. After that I spend a lot of time practicing one hero with bots by myself (e.g. Tinker few weeks ago) and it seems that I do pretty good job of it atm, i'm not great with him and I know I still can get better but now I could boost my MMR easily if I only played Tinker.

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      Miku Plays

        Lmao.. Ignore what he said about not picking pudge in rank... Play what youre good at.


        Ohhh aussie server :3

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          Play your best hero, if support let your carry farmed and get LH as much as it can. But if carry idk, sometimes my mates too greedy as support


            never play SD that mode is only good if youre about 4-5k mmr

            Oh Shit Waddup

              @Hatsune Miku

              What is wrong with aussie server m8



                We are all Australians m8 xD