General Discussion

General DiscussionGame of throws

Game of throws in General Discussion

    up a rax and 10 kills and still lose

    up a rax and 12 kills and still lose

    Anyone can watch it and tell me why? are the heroes I picked not good enough to late game carry?

    Oh and feel free to post here your matches with similar experiences, I seem to remember these matches more for some reason.

    Oh Shit Waddup

      probably, and im not 100% sure but im going to say lategame one of your cores got picked off and then you all paniced in the fight defending your highground cause he didnt have buy back and lost. but in both games they had a super farmed split pusher (AM/NP) who could then join the fight after raxxing you and clean up. Bloodseeker isnt going to do a whole lot unless youre an item up late game and even then without the right initiation its a struggle. enigma is good if you can get 2 cores inside BH and especially with refresher and just kill them but instead of refresher you could consider hex. much like shadow shaman and pudge you can quit channeling 0.1s before it finishs automatically and cast hex on people like antimage just to try and bring him down

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        First game you guys gave them a divine so you deserved it. Second game, just look at your farm and see how terrible it is. Fucking 400 GPM on Tinker is impossible.


          AM had no bkb, eth blade and sheep on tinker would have won you that game. Weaver has super shit farm too. My guess is things went well while AM was farming and when he came out 6 slotted at 35mins you all got destroyed cause you had spent the whole game fighting and had zero farm?


            Yeah can't do much as an enigma that game, knew that am had too much farm.

            Dire Wolf

              Second game they have rubick. any time you don't catch him in the hole you're done, he's just going to steal it and hit your whole team. Plus your carries are ~400 gpm, their AM is > 800. You were never really ahead in that game.

              Dire Wolf

                Second game they have rubick. any time you don't catch him in the hole you're done, he's just going to steal it and hit your whole team. Plus your carries are ~400 gpm, their AM is > 800. You were never really ahead in that game.