General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to find Farm?

How to find Farm? in General Discussion

    I enjoy playing carry and when the team needs one I play a carry.
    The carries I mostly play are Sven and Anti.
    Against a WD and Kunk, with a pudge ganking top the whole time.

    There are some games where your lane is really bad and your support is not that good. No pulling and harassing etc.
    How do you find farm and how do you do it safely? People like Zenoth and Matrice can do it, what's the trick?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


      part of the 'magic' of higher rated people being able to do it is that their team around them aren't as useless, you won't find supports (as often) that really can't space create at all for you, but don't be afraid to abandon lane and dip into jungle from time to time


        3k player = cannot farm
        4k player = can farm
        5k player = farms at the right place and time.


          Mid 3K vs High 4K

          I wasn't even farming that exclusively after I had my battlefury I was fighting a lot of the time. Some tips I can give is this...

          1. If the lane is too far pushed don't bother trying to go for last hits under the enemy tower, go farm the small pull camp and stack the nearest big one. Repeating this will allow you to have continued farm.
          2. If your lane is being camped go mid if your mid player isn't there. Beyond the laning stage past 15 minutes you can farm quite safe mid if you have a tower behind you.
          3. Push with your team instead of trying to solo hold against enemy pushes just because that is your farming lane. Don't go into the jungle to farm as, if they're pushing, they probably have wards and ganks ready for you and they're expecting you to farm there.
          4. Pushing with the team doesn't mean auto attacking, you may not get them all but you should still get most of them.
          5. Keep a TP with you at all times, TP bot and grab another TP from the sideshop, farm till you feel unsafe, dip into the jungle as safely as possible till you know where they are then use your TP to go to a lane they aren't if you're not going to fight. Repeat!
          6. If you're AM use your blink all the time where you need to, this allows you to clear the jungle in about 40+ seconds then go into lane for 20, and then repeat the whole jungle. USE YOUR BLINK!

          Actually on that game above I would suggest you watch it, you have a small window as AM where they will leave you alone to farm and you need to get as much farm from that as you can. The two times I died in that game were entirely my fault and I was a little over confident due to the farm I had gotten.

          Este comentario fue editado

            You might want to mention one of the most important things: farm LANE if you can, not jungle. Farm jungle if its safe to do so and if lanes are pushed.

            I often see people farming jungle when enemy creeps are already close to the tower (and its safe to farm there)


              I believe that was covered in the first one and I was pretty clear when to do this

              1. If the lane is too far pushed don't bother trying to go for last hits under the enemy tower, go farm the small pull camp and stack the nearest big one. Repeating this will allow you to have continued farm.

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