General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you agree with this statement?

Do you agree with this statement? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    "It’s this that is Dota 2’s main problem: a mistake or a misclick from any one of the five players on a team can confer a monstrous advantage on the opposition, turning matches into almost an hour of death by slow asphyxiation. For a competitive game, it can be incredibly demoralising to lose through no direct fault of your own, and the crushing sadness of a creeping, inexorable loss isn’t always balanced out by the high of a win."

    from a review by PC gamer.

    Well i agree with it but im not sure if i want it to be changed. It should be more like slightly adjusted(the mistake ceiling). It can make the game unfun sometimes(more than less).

    King of Low Prio

      losses are part of competition, people who cant deal with that should not compete.


        its the same with every multiplayer game that isn't 1v1

        Este comentario fue editado
        Low Expectations

          Lol how do you get above 4KDA on lich Rasp pretty nice :D
          PC gamer using Newtons Third law :o

          Hex Sigma

            @sampson yes indeed, but i was not reffering to the losses but to the things that cause them(like small mistakes that cost uou the game)


              i hate it in football when i score 3 times and my team concede 4 goals
              same shit here

              even in an organized team you can have control only over your performance (and sometimes you can't, e.g you get completely shutdown, your jungles are all warded etc)

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              Low Expectations

                ^Football is a pussy game honestly fucking primadonnas everywhere

                King of Low Prio

                  @ Ras

                  small mistakes dont lose you the game, making small mistakes AND not capitalizing on their mistakes(and even pros make tons) lose games.


                    I would definitely disagree with this.

                    While I can certainly think of games which I feel I have lost due to a single mis-click there has always been so much leading up to that point.

                    Those half hour slow death games are the worst but the beauty of dota is that if you manage to work together properly and take advantage of enemy mistakes you can win from behind.

                    If it gets to that point of no return where there is absolutely nothing you can do, odds are the game will be over shortly anyway.


                      I have tons of games that were lost because me or any other guy on my team did a mistake: void bad chrono = 60 min game lost.
                      sven out of position, without buyback killed = 60 min game lost, doom on lion instead of doom on refresher tide = game lost, and many others. but nothing in this game is more rewarding than a fucking hard win, where you have to play 80 minutes from behind just to win 1 fight late and win.

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                      King of Low Prio

                        ^ those are not small mistakes those are huge mistakes. 60 min with no BB is a massssssive mistake

                        Low Expectations

                          Once I repelled a creep during big teamfight (was a huge clusterfuck shitload of units and computer having seizures). There was only one teamfight that game since they had a pushlineup and a single bad repel lost us the game (it was even before then, could have gone either way) so yes small mistakes can have hige consequences


                            It does matter. Look @ what happened to my Chicago Bears last year because of miss-communication making them lose their chances to win the NFC North.

                            King of Low Prio

                              using repel on a creep is a huge mistake.....not saying it does not happen BUT saying something like that is small is a stretch


                                ^i didn't imply that those were small mistakes, i just meant 1 mistake = ez - 25 mmr.


                                  In my opinion this random criticism of the game is actually why I think it's such a successful, fun strategy game.

                                  So much meta, infinite variables - and the human condition with mistakes and misplays being half the factor of victory. The premise of Dota 2 is almost who makes the least mistakes. Just like real war, just like every other game.

                                  I guess the person who wrote the article completely missed the point about this game, a large tactical and strategic game in which 10 strangers all have to NOT fuck up and do their shit correctly. If you snooze mate YA LOSE BRAHHH

                                  King of Low Prio


                                    there is never just one mistake, even in a pro game you can find hundreds of mistakes.

                                    Low Expectations

                                      No, its a small mistake which bore huge consequences (the omni repel) hence small mistake led to huge fallout making it a big mistake (holy fuck that argument sounds so much better in my native language)

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        it is not a small mistake if it has huge consequences........


                                          there a lots of msitakes in every game!! but noobs only see others peoples fault (not even always being a bad play)

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            everybody makes mistakes, whats the point

                                            Spinach Rag

                                              That assessment is only marginally accurate. The reader is supposed to assume that the mentioned player making the mistake is on the same team as you, conveniently omitting that there are 10 players overall, half of whom are on the other team obviously. It's also not a single mis-click that is going to win or lose the game, there are a great many other variables that come into play. A single mis-click being the defining factor that wins or loses a game is a sensationalistic assessment and serves merely to put focus on the steep learning curve the game has.


                                                well some tiny mistakes can have fairly big consequences without being a great mistake itself

                                                for example, i miss one last hit and im 40 gold away from a tp scroll
                                                then viper comes and kill me, his team forces a fight and my team loses because they are playin 4v5, now the xp lead is in their favor, and they manage to take a tower

                                                it was 1 small mistake (missin 1 lh) that has lead to a big consequence (me not having money to tp away, that cost me my life and a fight)

                                                but blah shit like that never happen

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  ^ that is not one mistake that is multiple mistakes......


                                                    which multiple mistakes? my teams fighting 4v5? perhaps but there are ways to force a fight (VG did that a lot in TI)

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      -you missed the last hit
                                                      -you positioned yourself in a place that was sub-optional
                                                      -your team took a fight they should not have
                                                      -you prioritized other items over a tp scroll which the other team noticed and forced a push knowing you could not get to it

                                                      how is it a 4v5 if viper is killing you?

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        he tped

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          how is the other team forcing a fight at their tower.......


                                                            it was not in their tower, viper had travels

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              there is no reason to ever not have a tp scroll at the point where someone could have BoTs


                                                                he rushed it

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  even if he went first item BoTs nothing else at that point of the game you should STILL always have a TP scroll


                                                                    yea but you were finishing bkb thats why you didnt have enough gold yet

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      that BKB does nothing for you when you cant join the fight, hence a mistake.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        so much mimimi

                                                                        The problem of a game isnt the small mistakes, the problem are a LOT of smalls mistakes, there is no problem if you fail one or two melds hits with TA or some boats with Kunkka, people who pays too much attention on small mistakes are usually the ones that bitchs the entire game.

                                                                        I do a lot of small mistakes when i am laning mid and still i usually win the game


                                                                          I think that statement's idiot, you can screw up pretty much anything in life without being directly your fault. I don't actually know how you could possibly make up a game where you can't screw up resulting in a loss, this happens in anything I can think of.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            yes i agree with it.

                                                                            The catch 22 of dota is that the game experience is ruined both with and without a concede option.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              having a concede option is the dumbest shit ever, it turned into spam when it was introduced in some of the dota 1 bots. If you cant take losing without being a little pussy about it dont pub.

                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                you dont need a concede button in dota 2, just disable dotabuff and feed so the match ends faster



                                                                                  yes. All pro players are pussies for GGing before throne falls.

                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                    read plz


                                                                                      there is no difference in regards to the point of the quote.

                                                                                      In fact, pub are more like to find drawn out games tolerable.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        and yes pro players are pussies for gg'n in PUBS before the throne falls

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          meh i dont really care when the enemies fountain farm my team

                                                                                          I just alt tab and whatever

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            dorkly why are u not on steam I need to someone to cry to

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              Yo i am not your bitch go search another retard

                                                                                              I am watching movies and shit

                                                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                                                with texts like that I wonder

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  Dude go text zano or some shit and stop stalking me


                                                                                                    "wanna a life tip ? dont go to teh gym if you are sick
                                                                                                    its awful"

                                                                                                    ...What kind of conversation was that?

                                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                                                        dem crazy brazilians