General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestion/Request: Skill bracket filtering

Suggestion/Request: Skill bracket filtering in General Discussion

    So I'm not sure if anyone has requested this before, and I feel like someone should have by now, so it may be already in progress of implementation but if not...

    Can there be a filter added for skill bracket when searching matches in general or matches for a hero? Certainly there would be significant changes in percentages on heroes played and their win rates.

    There is already a label on my profile list of matches saying very high skill under them so I know dotabuff has access to this flag. (another side question would be why are some of them labeled very high skill and some have no label?)

    It would be great if I could check win rates of popular heroes atm that actually applies to me, instead of necro and omni topping the charts when thats not applicable to my bracket.

    Filtering by mmr ranges of about 500 or even 1000 would be the most desirable but not sure if thats possible. At the very least the normal/high/veryhigh skill bracket thing must be right?


    salt enjoyer

      No because not all games have a skill bracket attached due to the buggy API, other sites like dotamax (while a good job) simply guess the brackets where they aren't able to establish a bracket from the API.

      It's possible but would either be inaccurate or incomplete till Valve fix their API