mhm srsly useles all game
fucking smurfs stop telling those cunts to pick zeus they keep ruining games
I am ficking terrible at Zeus, he is my feed hero. I just cannot play him at all.
I just accepted that I never can smurf, because my Zeus is just plain sad.
he doesnt lose mid and just nukes and rolls from early game and other guys effort! rly good counter to most picks cause he's so strong xD + you usually pick zeus for participation since you get higher mmr for that (when TBD)
I'm smurfing with Zeus again, and I'm going to calibrate at 5400-5500 this time. (Last time = 5300)
U mad?
By the way I'm going to let you prospective smurfs in on another secret to calibrate higher/get more hero dmg + KDA.
Instead of going arcane/bottle -> rushing aghanims and then spamming r whenever it's on cd, get tranquils/soul ring/bottle, sit in your lane, and win it hard. Don't spam R when it's off cd, try to force the opponents' heroes to clump up, and tell your team to 5 man. Reasons:
1) A significant minority of your damage comes from your passive, so the more heroes the better.
2) The point is that with sustained mana and hp regen, you would be able to get off MORE spells than you would otherwise with simply arcane boots. (Not gonna lie, my hero damage is much higher in games where I go tranq + soul ring just because I'm not sitting at 300 hp and 0 bottle charges after engaging in 2-3 skirmishes)
3) Spamming R when it's off CD means missing out on kills = delayed items that would otherwise improve your hero damage. So unless the scoreboard is like 0-15, there's no reason to spam your ult when it's off CD. Just play the game normally and you'll get naturally high hero damage. (Think of it like a zero-sum game, except the odds are more or less stacked against you if you decide to spam zeus ulti off cd)
Basically, unless the other guy laning against you is TA, Huskar, or Viper, you should be able to heavily damage him through a war of attrition (even Invokers with 3 points in Quas will eventually take enough damage and be forced back to fountain) and if your team isn't completely brain damaged, a single stun from something like Earthshaker = free kill. Zeus is also a lot less micro heavy than Tinker, though I guess being able to stack ancients is Tinker's undeniable advantage as he can farm the entire map with just 1 item.
None of this matters though if you're not good, you won't calibrate +500 higher than what your main MMR is, so if ur sub 4.5k trash I don't see why you would bother doing this.
yo, do u know how much unranked before ranked matters? i went tinker only in unranked + 2 zeus games in ranked and got 5366, wondering if it's much lower if i play normal shit in ranked and dont tryhard that
I think what matters the most is your first 5 unranked + first 5 calibration, since that has the most uncertainty. The secondary factor is the MMRs of people you get matched with/against. Playing in EU/US servers will yield better results simply because there are more 5k+ players.
my first ranked was on 5k and through the games it varied from 4.5 as the lowest up to ~ 5.3
i think the anticipation on unranked is bigger than just 5 games
do u know if tower damage is from any value?
No clue about how much of a factor tower damage is, though I did play TB on a smurf with over 9k tower damage in most games, and I can say with absolute certainty that smurfing with Zeus gave me higher MMR. At best, I would wager 1 tower damage = 1 hero damage in terms of weight during calibration, so obviously hero damage is the way to go.
Anticipation on unranked is 10 games I believe, but the first 5 have the most influence.
My personal opinion is that Valve's smurf detection is acceptable (I'd rate it 7.5/10) for all intents and purposes, but people who are ignorant about how it works can screw themselves over by unknowingly picking support and then having, say, 200-400 less MMR than they should. Not everyone plays 10+ games every week so even though that player will eventually get to his/her real rating, it can take months.
it doesn't, they track all 4 separately
what i really want is someone like blunt to donate a 3k account to me (don't care about whether ranked is unlocked or not, just needs to be 3k mmr after 10 games in unranked) so i can use it to play with my 3k IRL friend. that way i can avoid games like these:
5k + 4 3k vs 3 4k + 2 3k
everyone on my team has down syndrome and it's so fucking unenjoyable. i mean i'm already used to carrying 4k players (and generally i don't have a problem with most 4500-5000 but people below 4500 are pretty terrible) but this is a whole new level of bad cuz i don't get matched with 3k players when i play solo and i have to adapt to 25 min mek vipers + supports who are level 5 20 minutes into the game because they have no idea of what to do.
what we really need are those old games where anyone can join (but stats won't record) so people can stomp games on a whim if they feel like it
uh, so that means if i play 40 party unranked games i have max uncertainty and will be starting at 3k?
I don't see why you would want max uncertainty though, it's easier to start off higher.
think of your first 10 unranked games as your "first calibration" and the first 10 ranked as "second calibration." Having 2 opportunities instead of 1 = more leeway in case you mess up somewhere
People who calibrated 6k+ accounts after afking in TMM wanted to be as efficient as possible, but seeing as that's not possible anymore...
yea i used to do tmm too but im not a 6k player
just wanted to know that so i can fool around in party games, thank you =)
always went tryhard mode there too. this means that i can relax which is nice to have
im not sure though some guy i talked to told me it does.
last time there was a thread on epicnpc where people were asking for other 5k players to party up with battle boosters to lvl13.
if you're planning on selling accounts for money without afk'ing in TMM, even a minimum wage job would get you money faster per hour of input.
In America, most states have their own minimum wage above the federal level (let's just say $8/hour, in some states like NY it's higher obviously due to cost of living). Deduct taxes and whatnot and you'll be left with $6.50/hour.
If you level an account to 13 and calibrate at 5k~ you'll get around 25 keys, which is $50. But wait, you have to sell the keys! That's another 10% off thanks to Steam's own taxes...err, "fees," so make that $45.
Assuming you play 40 games UNRANKED (bare minimum if you can find a 5 stack, everyone with boosters) + 10 games ranked calibration that's 25 hours~ (30 min games each) for $45. Calibration is capped at 5500 and I think 5500 accounts can go up to 50 keys.
You're literally spending 25 hours to grind boring, shitty games for a measly $45.
It's not worth it if you're doing it for the money. I just happen to smurf for a stress-free dota environment, and someday when I stop playing I wouldn't mind giving mine away for free (when I reach 6k MMR, which will be a slow climb).
What I'm going to say in the following sentence might shock certain people but:
I think at some point a lot of players forgot the point of playing dota...which is just to have fun lol. Nobody IRL cares about what your MMR is, and after struggling for months to finally get to 5k I finally realized this harsh truth. I did the same thing as the smurf poster 2 posts above did: I smurfed to 5300, dropped to 5000 at the lowest, and now I'm at 5100 on the smurf after boosting my main to 5000. I honestly don't think it matters whether I am 4700, 5000, 5300, 5600, etc. It only matters whether or not I am having fun playing.
So if there's any life lesson I would apply, it's this: [U]NOBODY CARES[/u]. Same reason nobody cares what shirt you put on in the morning, what shampoo brand you use, how big your dick is, etc.
i just idle coop bot games while watching anime. its some side cash, considering this an actual income in a western country is bullshit
u get more cash from boosting people anyway
nobody in particular, but at one point i felt that way. i wouldn't be surprised if some other people still do
who the fuck dies 2 times as safelane doom and then cries about ddos
i rather have zeus pickers in my team lol :D
the worst is the zeus who comes to gank but is too stupid to realize he is going in 1v3 and just feeds over and over.
hes awful srsly, cries about ddos after giving fb and then goes afk and i lost -38 points because he was abusing party mmr
i havent played with neno in ages...
btw neno played wk before it was famous (lost though :( )
I got him a couple times a few months back the most recent being my axe :/
btw this is neno, the other guy is prolly a fakenicker?
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srsly, stahp this madness, every time i see zeus it's some random TBD scrub which needs to get carried ;_;