General Discussion

General DiscussionI've become addicted to winning

I've become addicted to winning in General Discussion

    5 days ago I finally blew up from a lose streak and decided that I wanted to win more.

    And then 3 days ago I started playing more seriously and I'm quite happy from my results, 34 games, 25 wins. All I did was just started playing smart. I wasn't going full tryhard spamming the same heroes over and over and I didn't always choose explicit counterpicks. But I was definitely doing less stupid stuff.

    I tried to maximise my impact by picking core positions 1,2 and 3 and in the 2 cases I was forced to support or otherwise lose, I went WD. I didn't necessarily counterpick but the number one thing was that I didn't let myself be counterpicked. I chose my items objectively like skipping bloodstone on Timber and getting an early pipe+shivas instead or on my Void, I got that early BKB when they had far range disables.

    I played safer, learned better positioning, farmed more and I initiated objectives. "Lets push, they're all top/dead" "Lets smoke gank" "We need wards" "Lets rosh". People don't really think these stuff through and it really bloody helps if you say it out instead of thinking how retarded your teammates are. And I fucking bought my own wards when people wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of idiots dying and blaming the lack of wards. 150g too much for you?

    And just by having a "i wanna win" mindset, I never raged and kept friendly while owning (lol ppl only listen to you if you do well) and there was even a case I got a trolling teammate to play to win. The OD was forcestaffing and banishing everyone but after I told everyone to shut the fuck up cause the flaming was the reason he was doing that, several minutes after he started playing properly and we won.

    I don't know, just by having a proper mindset games become easy. I even mixed up my picks and went like Zeus or Tiny. Every game I was playing well if not playing the best on the team (minus 1 timbersaw game).

    tl;dr if you want to win, then play like you want to win you stupid twats; that includes talking nice, buying wards when nobody wants to and giving your team objectives

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    Hex Sigma

      prepare yourself son, gaben is coming


        this coming from the guy making countless threads about how there is "no difference" between low 4k and high 4k players

        congrats i guess, i learned the same thing you did a few weeks ago


          It was more of a "only with a 500 mmr or more apart do you start to see the difference"

          And yes, MMR can be irrelevant due to many reasons. Person A tryharding every game with Faceless Void and has 4900 MMR is probably on par or worse than Player B with 4600 MMR randoming every game and building items without giving a fuck to his enemies.

          I think its only logic and only people who want to defend their e-peen would say "dude I'm like a 200 mmr more than you, I'm way better"


            it is like that


              then Benao there was once you dropped down to like what, 4400 but you're capable of reaching up to 5k so... you're pretty much an accurate example of how MMR doesn't necessarily reflect your actual skill. (not saying I'm pro I'm just a stagnant 4300 pleb)


                Since we're throwing around anecdotes, I played from 4300-4700 with something like 75% win rate and from 4700-5000 with 60% win rate, so yea there is a difference from my perspective. Games did get harder, and I can probably play up to something like 5300 MMR with a modest 55%~ until I improve my pub skills. I'd say every 300-400 MMR points you can detect a skill differential.

                Ultimately it's just a sliding scale, so my experience has been different from yours.

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                  having a better mindset is definitely good for wining but games are usually decided by lineup + what u play + rng luck teammates


                    no its not
                    i throw so i play wherever the fuck i like and dont give a fuck i know im better than everyone anyway
                    you can call it an exception or whatever the point is i dont solely play to win, i play to get better and punish any motherfucker that ruins that exp for me

                    Quick maffs

                      I never buy wards even when we are playing with the whole map dark


                        i know im better than everyone anyway

                        >>>> only 5k and like to talk shit


                          I could drag those threads up to prove my point, not changing words here.

                          You're actually supporting my argument. In short, you're also saying you only feel the difference with several hundred MMR of difference. Anyway, those threads were how a higher MMR player does not necessarily win all the time. And like I said, they were about explaining how being only marginally higher in MMR was not an accurate representation of being better skilled.

                          Those threads were basically anti-epeen threads so I don't see where you're going with this.


                            Are you aware that when someone who is 5000 rated says "4k trash" or someone 6000 rated says "5k trash" he is most likely being facetious (i.e. joking)

                            Do you take what people say over the Internet seriously?

                            Quick maffs

                              Almost 55 % winrate boys

                              That its the good thing about being a 3k trash, heh

                              Dire Wolf

                                People are definitely not joking when you say "X hero is good/bad, Y item is good/bad" and they say "no it's not, you 3k trash." I mean yes, some stuff changes depending on your bracket but they like to make blanket statements about knowing everything and will use rating to disregard your opinion, no matter how backed up it is.

                                ICE SKULL

                                  "i throw so i play wherever the fuck i like and dont give a fuck i know im better than everyone anyway"

                                  this, if somebody wants to win really badly i'll give it an attempt but if i see someone attempting rosh pre 20 minutes in with only midas on void then i'll sell my items, buy couriers and feed them

                                  that rosh attempt actually happened yesterday, talk about sad shit! how these people can think...


                                    There is no escaping the gaben enforced MMR. I started playing super tryhard meepo. Watching hours of devlish/w33/etc. replays and getting advice from Devlish.

                                    Went something like 25-2 W/L... Now I've lost like 8 in a row.

                                    Gaben's wrath will come.

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      yeah but you play in us east and us west. it's basically a free win by picking meepo, ta, slark, earth spirit, phoenix etc there

                                      la the yeezy

                                        Wtf 200-300 mmr is actually a great difference. Me (4k flat)and my friend (4.2-3)always play 1v1 and he is always a step ahead of me. Our matches are usually even but I think he has better mechanical skills than me which is very crucial in 1v1s (Ex. Puck vs qop sometimes i mistime face shifts and shit). I really think that at about 300 mmr u can see differences in players skill.

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