General Discussion

General Discussioncaptians mode

captians mode in General Discussion

    before we start I know I'm not the best player and my win rate isnt that good but I'm not an idiot that just blames everything on everyone but y is it every time i play captains mode i pick a decent team comp with what people want but you cant pick what everyone wants because everyone wants a carry so people get mad and cry and than feed than its my fault we lost and I'm bad because i didn't pick 5 carry's FUCK off people play fucking all pick if there is only 2 heroes you can play without feeding than play all pick part way through the game and I had to mute them all because they are just blaming everyone but themselves for feeding and yelling at me for not picking the 5 carry's they wanted than by the end of the game cant even hardly play without a 4-5 stack this isnt ranked or anything but i mean come on
    does this happen to anyone else? ALSO PLEASE NOTE im not trying to blame for the loos just it pisses me off when people feed than blame everyone else like they are the best is the fucking world well if you are best why aren't you on a pro team BECAUSE YOU ARENT you are just a fool that blames I just wanna have a friendly game of dota where there is decent communication y is that too much to ask for
    PS sorry for the run on sentence and bad grammar spelling and whatever I dont feel like writeing a prober whatever on the internet




        Just don't play CM unless you have a 4-5 stack. If you are going to solo que it you could just pick a support for your self, as long as there is one other player who doesn't insist on having a core role you should be fine.

        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!