General Discussion

General DiscussionTarget Prioritizing

Target Prioritizing in General Discussion

    Who has to kill who in teamfights?

    Do carries focus carries? Who kills the supports in the back? Who kills the counter initiator?

    Dire Wolf

      It's too situational to just say kill this guy/role every time.

      If there's a sniper/drow on the team raping you with dmg from afar but really squishy they become an obvious target priority, but if they also have an enigma who can black hole all of you what then? And what if they also have a silencer, who prevents your tidehunter from initiating with his ult? See what I mean?

      I think the only genralization you can make is there are a couple heroes you should avoid killing first cus they soak up way too much dmg it's not worth it or they return dmg. Offhand I'd say avoid focusing bristle (shits all over you with quills, plus takes forever to kill), centaur (built in blade mail), axe (counter helix will rape your face and once his taunt is over he doesn't hurt much in a team fight) and tidehunter (if you pick off tide before he ults awesome, but otherwise he can take a huge beating and all you're doing is removing anchor spam, which is a significant debuff and damage spam, but not worth chewing through 2k+ hp with 40 block and debuff removal built in).

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        There is nothing such as that, it just comes with experience, but usually u go for the ones with the most crucial spells, for example, if Doom didn't use Doom yet, u try killing him fast, if he already used it, go for a next target, unless he has huge DPS.

        Overall u go after the carry/mid heroes cus they usually produce the highest dps.

        But for example, Enigma, u can't just ignore him, u must try either killing him before he lands a 5 man black hole or just don't clump. I think this might come along with experience only..

        Some supports r more scary than carries late game, a big some though.

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        Dire Wolf

          It's also a question of how fast will they die compared to their dmg output. Dragon knight with maelstrom late can put out a lot of dmg with his splash attacks but he will also take forever to kill. Might be better to go for a support instead.

          You also need to pay attention to who's doing what each fight. If their enigma sucks you can ignore him, lots of enigmas don't black hole well. If you guys always get raped cus silencer times perfect global silence, target him. If necro is always taking out your high dmg carry with no buyback target him etc.

          Also if you have 3 carries with bkbs, yeah sure you can focus earthshaker but it might be better to have your non bkb players hang back and the other guys ignore him with bkb up.

          And sometimes you can take a guy out of the fight without kill them. Disarm a carry for example or hex and then silence a major support but kill him later.

          And then it's like above said, why attack void if he already used ult for example.

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            Thanks I got the information I was looking for!

            one and half gun

              with high mmr great responsibility comes


                I just want to see if I'm doing stuff right, which I wasn't. Also, when is a good game to buy a Force Staff instead of a Blink on Prophet? Or do I get them both?


                  i dont think you need both. blink is better as an escape imo because it's instant and you can go into trees where force would destroy them.

                  but phase + force is still decent and may be better if the enemy has blinks that you cant react to, you can use it to go up cliffs and it's a better team suited item because you can save allies or push enemies towards you, it's cast range is 800, same as hex / eblade / dagon 5

                  Dire Wolf

                    wow that was like yoda crossed with uncle ben parker = mind blown

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