General Discussion

General DiscussionI like playing solo more than I like playing with a party.

I like playing solo more than I like playing with a party. in General Discussion

    Idk what it is but it seems like everyone I stack with is even dumber than the randoms I get solo queuing. I think I need to delete people.


      That happens to me mainly because my friends are new to the game with less then 100 games so since im at the higher end of high skill they get paired with half decent players and dont understand what to do, i had a Sniper Drow and Lifestealer (my friends) have over 25 deaths alltogether with about 5-6 kills. I generally don't play with more then 1 other person because i find when you get into a 3or4 person stack people tend to want to do what they want and not work as a team for whatever reason even with communication.


        It wouldn't be so bad if they were people I knew irl. People I know irl I feel I can at least tell them when they mess up and they won't get all pissy (no dude you're right I totally shoulda backed you up when you jumped in 1v4, You're right getting blink on Centaur is dumb he has Stampede for initiation).

        Idk I just feel like whenever I stack I'm playing like it's solo queue except the other team is a 5 stack, communicates, and has a decent team comp. Is it too much to ask for some communication? :/

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          "You're right getting blink on Centaur is dumb he has Stampede for initiation"

          Maybe you're the problem.


            Someone in my party didn't get blink on centaur because they said he has stampede for that. Not me.

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              Put that in quotations then instead since it looks like it's your afterthought.

              I've never played in a stack with random people. Ever. Find some mates who play the game, or if you want to emulate the same personal understanding when stacking (Which is essential I think) find a solid community and talk to people.

              I'm fortunate enough to have a handful of my best mates who play this game on a regular basis - and a game of 2-5 is so much better when you are as 2, not just a bunch 1's.

              The reason all those 4 and 5 stacks you play against have communication is because THEY DO. They are probably friends, or people who are familiar with who they are playing with. If you are against that as a bunch of randoms you have no chance and the party queue experience becomes naturally SHITE.

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                All I know is that as my mmr rises my friends list gets fact at this point I only have 1 person left...


                  Almost all my friends are lower than me so whenever I play with them I gotta play some high impact hero, maybe mid and I always rape, however if I go for something like morph its a 99% chance they will fail so hard I will rage.

                  Once I played with one of my friends and he went bh (he actually has like 40+ games with him) and... He buiilt BF and didnt lvl shuriken past lvl 1 until like 11lvl+, he sucked so bad but I was like "whatever".

                  Few days later I go with them on unranked and I say that I want to practice invoker and I might suck. I failed mid and he was all pretensional about me, I was so fucking pissed, he comments on my 1 fail when he failed few days ago, forgeting that I was MVP in 99% of the games with them... 2,6k scrubs man

                  So because of the fact that most of my friends are lower Id rather focus on my solo mmr than just stomp some people easily

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                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!