General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay Sven.

Play Sven. in General Discussion

    this hero is ridiculous. play him early game like a tankier version of anti-mage, push the t1 down fast with a combination of an early Basilius and his level 1 armour aura. leave stun at 2, max cleave early, go RoB>Treads>MoM>Blink>heart.

    with a decent start I can farm the above items by 17-18 minutes, on bad games around 21-22 minutes. this hero is RIDICULOUS. he can split push like a beast, he has nearly 3k hp by like 20 minutes, and his damage output is INSANE. Blink lets him pick off most heroes easily from full to zilch and MoM+Warcry gives him maximum move speed and makes him hard to kite.

    Midi Prill

      ur not good


        okay ):


          Oh this is nice, I was looking for a new hero!

          Welt aus Eis

            I assume B2SPIRIT is 6.5k

            Welt aus Eis

              Btw Zenoth I still think it's kinda hard for him to avoid getting kited, unless you start the enemies really well, heroes like Lich, Bat or Skywrath are annoying pre-BKB, and Viper destroys Sven.
              However, I really never play Sven so I can check it out

              And it's also working for you because you're an amazing farmer,
              99.9% of the players wouldn't get 850 GPM in this game.
     992 GPM rofl

              And also you didn't mention these are party games :D but still pretty impressive

              Este comentario fue editado

                i more or less quit solo already, between lack of time for it and how tiring it is to mentally prime myself every game i find it more enjoyable to play with IRL friends, even though though the skill level is far more varied

                anyway the important thing about sven is to maintain a huge farm advantage, such that in a typical team fight i will just blink in, stun and destroy my target in that 2 seconds no questions asked. BKB if needed, but usually the sheer ridiculousness of his damage output + his tankiness makes it hard for enemies to stand and fight. Viper is definitely a pain in the ass though.

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                Welt aus Eis

                  So, my point is that you can do this because you're a really good farmer, even among 5.7k players, this is easy to see from your TB stats. This strat doesn't look nearly as efficient if you're only slightly overfarmed or if your farm is on par; taking a while to kill targets will usually mean a very sad Sven in the teamfight. But still I will give it a try.

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                  me, government hooker

                    Hmm impressive..
                    But with your strategy wouldn't it be imperative to basically rush bot's first?

                    Welt aus Eis

                      Travel first will greatly slow down your farm thus hurting a lot this kind of strategy. Also you won't have the same killing potential and your core items (MoM blink) will be delayed


                        Treads go really far in increasing his attack speed to a somewhat decent level, since outside of MoM his attack speed is generally quite horrible. BoTs are easy to farm later when I need the slot usually.

                        Unlike something like TB this hero can join teamfights once he gets his Blink up and one shot most supports in a Blink-Stun whack combo, just remember to activate ult before blinking due to its 0.3 cast time (warcry has 0, so feel free to use it after blinking)

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                          My way is rather
                          Treads + MoM/Dominator + Armlet + AC and a lategame blink for instantkilling 1-3 heroes


                            dominator seems better for farming and i actually really like Armlet, but MoM offers much more for fights/split pushing. Problem with armlet is I get slotted too fast for it to stay relevant, unlike a hero like Lifestealer who has no farming steroids. Might consider it.

                            i feel the blink early is core for accelerating farm, between cutting more efficient paths between trees, Blink lets you take much more efficient paths in the jungle, for example moving from Dire Ancients to Radiant Medium Camp. Also lets you initiate a fight, split push and blink out into trees, etc.


                              i used him like that but going mid whenever there was an sf pick no the enemy team :D

                              sven is fun but you still need a decent team to win


                                Ooh can you cancel Sven ulti? Good tidbit to know!


                                  i guess it is too hard to farm at your rate for me ><

                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                    hailrake also repicked wk into sven when confronted with pl or meepo since wk is shit against those heroes

                                    his best advice: keep quelling blade for as long as possible to speed up your farm. second best advice: even if ur team is feeding u must have blink/mom/bkb or damage item before engaging in a major fight, unless your team is already ahead by leaps and bounds. anything less and you're going to get kited by competent players

                                    The skill build should depend on the lane. For aggressive lanes that can certainly kill the offlaner, maxing out storm bolt is not a bad idea, as the extra damage is not insignificant. Against something like Pandaren Brewmaster you're better off getting 1 or 2 points in storm bolt and maxing out cleave (1-4-4-2 or 2-4-3-2 by level 11) to farm much faster.

                                    Linkens is your best friend against viper and razor.

                                    Medusa has a highly favorable skill set against Sven but nobody picks that hero so you don't need to worry.

                                    To fix your mana starved hero problems: 1) keep treads on INT before casting spells 2) items: basi, wand, drums, and eventually linkens are all viable. Choose any of those at your discretion.

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                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                      What is your reasoning behind heart?


                                        Those Zenoth rampages, pretty enjoyable to watch =)

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                                          He loves it.
                                          See what i did there? Heart, love, hahaha

                                          ha ha

                                          never mind

                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                            i'll give that 7.5/10

                                            Krazy Kat

                                              Much heart. Much rapier.


                                                heart=+str+boost god strength


                                                  tankiness and fast, boosts god's strength well, provides sustain when you eventually sell your MoM

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    So do you avoid team fights until you're way ahead/have bkb? If I go mask I always get blown the fuck up so quickly. Need to farm better and do better in lane I guess.


                                                      the fights you should be taking are those where you go into the back and clean up everybody, which is why you need blink; meanwhile MoM maximizes your DPS

                                                      try not to initiate teamfights or frontline until you have your BKB

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        What about a soulring in lane? I've seen opposing sven's use it effectively since his mana pool is so shitty early.

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          Lobby Type
                                                          Normal Matchmaking

                                                          one and half gun


                                                            this guy is a beast however

                                                            one and half gun

                                                              (6.5k sven picker)


                                                                why dont u go ac instead of skadi/2nd daed


                                                                  0/10 no Bfury for 100% cleave. :)


                                                                    Very unconventional, non-text book build but hey it seems to be working wonders.

                                                                    milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                      i dont understand why sven became so unpopular, such a great hero


                                                                        I really like him before, but somehow it fell when they got viper or phoenix at their offlane. :cry:
                                                                        I felt like i couldn't do shit when i fought them in lane.
                                                                        And the fact that he is like void (rely on MoM) makes him inferior to wraith king (just my noob opinion)
                                                                        I like to take cleave starting at lv 10 and get phase on him (522 movement speed with mom, phase and warcry)
                                                                        I should've get more blink than the noob shadowblade (well i'm noob anyway) :laugh:


                                                                          Hm, I've got some nice rares on Sven which I really want to try out, but I'm awful with him. Maybe I should try it...


                                                                            ^ I have noticed that Sven is more powerful with when he has the dc sven set and the radiant claive :P


                                                                              For sword, nothing's better than genuine sven's revenge.
                                                                              That shit is huge.

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                Dude if you wanna give advice at least try him in ranked first. If you don't trust even yourself to win in ranked, how do you expect other people to trust that hero? But I like him anyway, he really carries seemingly impossible games.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  He's not unpopular, he's middle of the pack, about the same as bristle and ember.

                                                                                  And he has some major weaknesses. Big time mana problems early, kiteable, needs farm. Zenoth's build solves all those if you can farm your blink fast and score some early kills. Works for him, I am skeptical it would work well for a lesser player, ie me.


                                                                                    This is what I run myself.
                                                                                    Wand+Treads into Armlet into BKB+Blink into AC and Daedalus or MKB depending on the situation. Against Viper, if he's playing passively, I'll follow my normal build, else I rush blink. The problem with Viper Strike is the MS reduction, so the trick is to instantly blink in and Stun then BKB+Ult.
                                                                                    I tried running Midas+Tranquil instead of Wand+Treads, but it has given me mixed results so far.


                                                                                      omg puppey reading too much dotabuff???



                                                                                        xan was a mayor disappointment


                                                                                          well his biggest mistake was getting soul ring... that item is just stupid on sven


                                                                                            Wisp was bad, Od just afk farmed, bh played alright-ish


                                                                                              doesnt change the fact he also contributed to the loss with soul ring

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                                                                                                If wisp would be good, he would support him with sufficient mana and therefor would be no need for it. Game happened, doesnt matter anymore


                                                                                                  you're just wrong... he has enpugh mana with basilus/aquilla...


                                                                                                    hailrake always build soul ring on sven o.O and he always pick sven when his WK got countered by PL and meepo pick



                                                                                                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                                        zenoth why the weird build? I only looked at a few games, but seems like you often/always go q-e-q-w-w-r-w-w then just don't get level 3 or four 4 storm bolt. Is the extra +4 stats really worth sacrificing the 150 damage? I guess it scales poorly, but still. Seems like if you are fighting early then 150 magic damage is going to help more than +4 stats. Looking forward to trying this build, I'm trying to get better at farming. Being the scrub that I am, I was pretty proud of this game, other than the fact that I may have fed at least 4 rapiers trying to win that awful game:


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