General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes tinker really require nerfing?

Does tinker really require nerfing? in General Discussion

    IIRC, Spirit Breaker's winrate was actually slightly lesser in the low end of the pubs Dorkly.


      why would he nerf earth spirit and still not let him in CM? maybe use your fucking brain before u post

      Sōu ka

        your brain doesn't actually function so i'll explain it in words even you will understand
        icefrog wants 2 things
        he wants heroes to be viable and balanced to a certain degree (===adding them to CM)

        the balancing is a long process
        he cant just change it and let it in because he doesnt know how it will affect the hero

        obviously he nerfed him so that he is weaker in pubs you fucking monkey but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to add him to CM as soon as he's satisfied with the state of the hero

        as an example to how your argumentation skills work:
        it's like saying he's eating because he doesn't want to starve
        and then you come and say shit like nooooo he's eating because he's hungry

        King of Low Prio

          sleave when u que with a low MM friend the MM system balances it out by giving the other team a better balance of MM player OR another strong MM player. When u smurf you are manipulating your placement because it cant evaluate to properly. I love the people who are stuck in X rating and say MM is fucked then smurf and get a higher MM and act like MM is working fine now......


            "obviously he nerfed him so that he is weaker in pubs you fucking monkey but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to add him to CM as soon as he's satisfied with the state of the hero"

            thanks for proving my point u stupid inbred piece of shit

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Earth Spirit actually will probably never get added. He is the only hero in the game to have a silence, a slow, a stun and fucking AoE damage with extreme low cooldowns and generally low manacosts while himself being a very tanky hero. His only problem is his high skill cap but that shouldn't be a problem as we are talking about "pros" here.

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              King of Low Prio

                I would like to thank dotabuff mods for forcing the retards to have a anime avatar to make it easier to spot them.

                Sōu ka

                  youre both so incredibly stupid
                  i actually dont know how to feel about it
                  its like you make me feel better about myself by writing this shit but then i feel worse because i realize how fucking sad that is

                  i even used an analogy but he still doesnt get it
                  trying one last time: mr regulator this is so you can understand it:

                  1: I said he wants to slowly adjust earth spirit so that he can eventually add him to cm
                  2. you say I'm a stupid idiot and that I'm wrong and he just wants him to be worse in pubs ( yes he wanted to make him weaker but that doesn't mean that point 1 is wrong)
                  3. i explain shit but you're too stupid to comprehend it and actually believe you had a point

                  please tell me how i and where i was wrong here

                  आप गे क्यों

                    pushing high ground against tinker is impossible

                    one and half gun

                      tinker is broken because he can die 20 times in the early 15 minutes but when you're going to push, he'll delay the match by 30+ minutes and be 6 slotted until you get bkb, pipe and shit

                      that is why he is a popular pick, its a safe bet if you want MMR if you can play 50+ minutes long matches


                        i feel like talking to this kid is a waste of time, i mean he's so wrong and still keeps calling me stupid

                        this is the last post i will address to you

                        1. you said icefrog has a few "beta testers" and he doesnt use pubs to balance heroes
                        2. but then he nerfs earth spirit and adds him to pubs and not CM
                        3. you realize you were a special kid all along and thats why you were made fun of in school
                        4. end

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                        one and half gun

                          also sampson is 3.5k mmr, why is he arguing with a 6k mmr player (u took a break after ranked came out and u were 5.5k which would put you at 6k now if you kept playing)

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            I understand the reason behind ES not being in CM but Brood still not being in CM is the most retarded shit ever. How will you actually know if a hero is balanced or not if you don't ever see how pro players utilize him? Just put it in. If it gets way too many complaints, tournaments will probably ban themselves anyway.

                            Quick maffs

                              I want legion on CM

                              one and half gun

                                legion wont be put in cm because its more broken than bat atm

                                one and half gun

                                  does any1 remember drows ulti and cents ulti when it was a stun and global dmg boost

                                  icefrog asked maelk and bulba for nerfs

                                  Sōu ka

                                    this has nothing to do with mmr, it's about common sense and comprehension
                                    and the stuff about beta testers and not using pubs was about dota 1 einstein
                                    glad that you've got that one
                                    please keep your word and dont respond any further

                                    the thing about brood is that it's a unique mechanic and stuff like that gets usually implemented in big patches when other heroes from captains mode getting bigger changes as well


                                      King of Low Prio

                                        slark has a unique mechanic too, he was taken out and thrown in pubs to see what creative things players would do with him then put him back in

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          bye bye tinkerino


                                            tinker not op thats why he didnt get nerfed this patch guys

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              he was only OP in pubs -_- Good thing icefrog only balances based off pros -_-

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                godmode visage drow or visage tinker strats

                                                didnt get nerfs



                                                  because icefrog is always right

                                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                      even if icefrog isn't always right he still has the last word so if he says something is op, it's op

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        this trash player is falling fast


                                                          your arguments are pretty bad


                                                            deciding if something is OP isn't a democracy, even if it was, most people think tinker is OP. should we believe icefrog when he says tinker is OP, or should we believe a random tinker picker on dotabuff? i think the answer is clear here

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              not a random tinker picker, but the vast majority of the good players. ask any pro if tinker is broken, for fucks sake. stop acting like I'm the only one who thinks he's not OP

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Does it matter now ? the funny thing is that he will not see competitive play anymore and pub tinker is not as nerfed as you all think.


                                                                  it actually is. He is not a hero anymore. Maybe he is good lategame (with bkb nerf).
                                                                  I kid, he is beast lategame as he was, but his farming is very much slowed.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    You still can recover farming jungle instead of ancients, is slower but still .....

                                                                    I am pretty sure he will get some minor buff the next patch though.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      eblade is now a projectile which means teammakes can protect against it(shadow demon banish), Tinker also does not become melee immune when he casts it either so he becomes easier to kill

                                                                      this scum hero is gone for now until someone finds a new item to exploit

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        The eblade nerf means that is easier to blink from it, but being honest this will not change my pub as much

                                                                        Anyway, they nerfed void to the fucking ground so i am overall happy with the patch


                                                                          it has an 800 cast range and a 1100 projectile speed, an sd isnt gonna protect against it because it travels too fast.

                                                                          it just means the eb dagon combo requires a bit more timing on the tinker's part rather instead of using 2 abilities with no cast time as fast as possible.

                                                                          i think he's still fine now, just not super good on radiant compared to dire anymore, he's more predictable in farming patterns since he has 1 less place to go now, and also more greedy because now tinker will have to take more resources from his team early if he wants fast travels

                                                                          +1 dorkly

                                                                          gives you some reaction time instead of instantly being btfo'd

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                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            I am going to get 70 % winrate with nerfed tinker fuck it

                                                                              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                Tinker is dead now, get fucked tinker pickers.

                                                                                  Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                    Yea gl coming into my jungle with ur 15 min bots. Ill be long gone by then.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      I am PRETTY sure tinker is still going to work in pubs

                                                                                      As long as they dont nerf blink on him he is still going to find his place

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                                                                                          Tinker just got shit on.

                                                                                          Edit: i'm happy about it personally.

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                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            he is panicking trying to pick other heroes

                                                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                              just stack the big camp and get the BoT on min 10 instead of 8, no problem

                                                                                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                yo can even stack the big and medium camp with march
                                                                                                edit: on radiant, i dont know if its posible on dire

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                                                                                                    gg retarded tinkers. go win some more games befor u cry :)