General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does Manta dispels?

What does Manta dispels? in General Discussion

    In the description it says "some skills" but any more info? Does it dispel all silences? Which stuns does it dispel? What other disables does it help with?


      basically manta dispels practically any negative debuff on you assuming you can cast it, save very specific skills like SD's ultimate or Bloodrage (if I am not mistaken)

      in practice, defensively you will use it to disjoint projectile stuns, dispel silences, ensnares (frost bite, overgrowth etc) and confuse single target intiators like doom or bat.

      Este comentario fue editado
      King of Low Prio

        and yes it does remove all silences (doom is the exception because you cant use items during it)

        Quick maffs

          It does not remove bloodseeker silence

          Bloodseeker has like one million buffs, still no one picks the hero



            this is probably more applicable than disjoint

            King of Low Prio


              yea you are right I knew there was something I was missing


              it does both


                it disjoints for 0.1s after activating and dispels any debuff that is already on the user


                  Only time I ever managed to disjoint shit with it was an RP and it was completely unintentional.


                    Okay, thanks for your feedback, especially for the link about disjoint (didnt think to look it up like that, was just hoping it will be said on wiki about manta) I guess there's nothing more to really talk about at this point

                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                      Bloodcyka silence is not dispelable(?) with manta


                        it isnt anymore

                        आप गे क्यों

                          nothing removes bloodcyka's silence


                          King of Low Prio


                            It is fairly easy to disjoint projectiles


                              Did som1 checked if chen could dispel bs's silence ?
                              It is supposed to dispell doom, so it should work for this aswell


                                ...what? Nothing dispels Doom. Least of all Chen, who has no dispels.


                                  Purge does not dispel bs silence or doom. What chen dispel?

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    @Sampson I know it is in theory but I suck at it - can you do it consistently?

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I did it with templar against WK stun some days ago

                                      It is easier than it looks like