General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes new map 6.82 suck? vote here!

Does new map 6.82 suck? vote here! in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock please vote or comment. I like an opinion.


      way to give it a chance.


        +1 to Concede


          The map is awful. Look at the new pathing near the ancients and off lane.

          Imagine if the game consists of no heroes that have abilities to destroy trees. How the fuck does a fight break out in that area if the off lane is being pushed by the radiant side? It's impossible to team fight there since the paths are too narrow for anything more than one hero at a time, it will just be a cluster fuck and a fog war.

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            I like the new paths, make for interesting/previously unconventional pushes/ganks.


              How can you know if you cant play it yet?


                Played it already^ .... So similar to league and such scrubby map feel like quitting dota now..,

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                  Feeder Chan

                    Sucks if urn remains op.


                      Kael if that wants to make you quit maybe youre just meant for league, also urn is really OP right now, urnvoker is hilarious


                        Wat about urn?


                          Adapt to survive? I haven't played it yet though. I wonder who I should pick for my first game



                            Miku Plays

                              theres two new cliffs in the map.. omfg wards are OP

                              Yolo Noob Swag

                                it is not the dota i knew.... Gonna stop until they fix or remove this patch.


                                  RIP dota.

                                  Bad players who were bad at farming and laning and generally everything are now profiting from winning 1 in 7 teamfights and winning games. inb4 arguments saying comeback mechanic was because they made a good play. lol.

                                  Abstaining from this till 6.82b which should be out real soon.

                                  Rust in Peace

                                    "Played it already^ .... So similar to league and such scrubby map feel like quitting dota now..,"

                                    Normal skill bracket


                                      The problem isn't the new map style. They can change even Roshan calling him Baron, i don't realy give a fuck.
                                      All these aghanim updates. Srsly, who will ever farm Aghanim on Sven ? There is someone this much stupid ?

                                      The changment of Bloodseker making him unplayable as carry.

                                      I'm going to play him as support, with forcestaff and dagon.

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                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          4) It sucks donkey balls.



                                            Yeah just wait the proes do it and here we go



                                              Was not satisfied with the new BS on paper. He is more teamfriendly now but not as strong as he was solo. With some minor changes to his playstyle he works.

                                              But he can still be played as a dpser. 7 Matches played new patch, 6 Won. The one i lost was thx to this guy:


                                              Accountbuying shithead with 38% Winrate.


                                                Is it just me? or the game really became unbalanced ....
                                                1. Some heroes become OP
                                                2. After leaving\ disconnected players, others that stayed in the game get boost of EXP and Gold. and from losing team they become winning team. it happened to me 3 times in a row.


                                                  Pathing is really weird in this patch

                                                  ّFuck Gaben

                                                    i played Dota from patch 6.49
                                                    but it was absolutly the worst change that i remember
                                                    i think the most balance patch was 6.61 til 6.67
                                                    Dota 2 made the work too Easy
                                                    but Dota was harder than this
                                                    we could see player`s skill and abillities in Dota 1 but in Dota 2 skill doesnt mean :|
                                                    in memory of blizzard

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      The only reason I like it is the ward spots, the only reason I hate it is because I play ursa and going to rosh is freaking far.


                                                        Map is okay-ish.

                                                        Only thing that i hate is that broken heroes are not addressed appropriately. Eg? TB, It was already OP before sunder was buffed idk wtf was icefrog thinking just because the hero had shitty winrate post-nerf of his slow spell/str gain or something. It was because the bad players don't know how to abuse a OP hero. Look at CM now, he's all over the fucking place taking first pick/ban.

                                                        FV? Doom? ES? Sand King? DP? So many more that i can't even remember rofl. And yeah, meepo is retarded as shit, it needs a nerf-buff for a change.

                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          TB needs a buff on his ultimate. If the enemy is a stunner almost all the time you won't be able to swap in time. IT was really fast in dota 1 I remember like how necro's first skill is. Just look at SF, his attack projectile is really fast in dota 1 but super slow in dota 2.