General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch for the new exp formulas

Patch for the new exp formulas in General Discussion

    Every value got at least 50% nerf comparing to other in less than 2 days, where are those people with it's not broken now?

    I expect these values to go down yet again. I still find the new values a tad bit too high.


      1- (0.1 / 0.15) > 0.5 kappa

      Este comentario fue editado

        I thought XP was the same. The problem was with the bonus gold not the XP.


          yeah, only gold changed.


            I meant gold in title. Typo.

            And thats tunnel visioning Andro. Way to take the smallest values. The most important fact about this patch was not simply how the values were adjusted, it was how fast they were. Icefrog only releases insta-patches to fix gamebreaking bugs and not to nerf/buff heroes/formulas. The fact the gold formulas were adjusted once on 26th and yet ANOTHER time on the 27th shows how flawed this patch is.

            I still expect the gold formulas to be adjusted a bit more. Butterfly effects are common in dota patches which is why reducing the cd of an ult by 20 seconds and adding 2 base armor can turn a tier 4 hero to tier 1. Something like the gold which on extreme levels gave someone 5.7k in 7 seconds (lol awesome stream) is clearly astronomically imbalanced.

            NextStep ®

              I like the kill bounty system but the value is too high. Tone it down please and it will be awesome.

              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                I think xp changed aswell, when sigsing was doing streaming he was like 30-1 and he was killed by lion on prupose, and lion got 5 lvls for the kill.