General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the fucking hell?

What the fucking hell? in General Discussion

    What the problem

    Ego complex

      Check game time

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Yeah I saw this. BH be like "Ah I got 50k gold let me keep my S&Y and Battlefury, there are definitely not better items I can buy."

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          2 min less and it would be 3:22. Sad.

          Ego complex

            exactly, i was amused by the level of ignorance of that bh.

            and a 1- 10- 13 invoker. I mean, come on. 3 and half hours you play and you are involved in 14 kills.


              lol i checked this invokers profile

              WR 35.71%
              KDA 1.94


                Skywrath with Aghs + Refresher..


                  refresh disarm + hex + bkb + silence


                    he probably didnt need aghs though if he was going refresher

                    Ego complex

                      Double hex probably

                      Bad Intentions

                        lol. When i see these kind of game anomalies, its always in the US servers :)) why is that :))


                          this game got carried by techies xD


                            I believe that this is a warning sign


                              69v60 kills in 184mins, looks boring.

                              This itembuilds though, looks like some ppl were sixslotted for the first time. MVP techies.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                Refresher for double hex and BKB isn't the worst idea ever.


                                  then you don't go aghs. it's got a 10s cooldown at rank 3 anyway. having a shivas to also refresh would have been more beneficial, or an eblade


                                    ^ Honestly though, I don't think most people's brains would work properly after 3 and a half hours in a single match.

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