General Discussion

General Discussion[TBD] Community Forum

[TBD] Community Forum in General Discussion

    Havoc, what about:

    Dota2 Topic:
    Chat [bracket locked - 4 boards]:
    - <3k
    - 3k
    - 4k
    - 5k
    Media & News [for concede to spam his reddit stuff :D]
    Coaching & Advice [I would keep this split between coaching / advice - bear in mind this is going to be your busiest section!]

    Off Topic / General chat [One board social stuff can be stickie'd at top of board, no need to cluster.]

    Admin Topic:
    Improvements & Suggestions [you don't need bugs & issues on top of this]
    Reporting Users

    Este comentario fue editado
    bum farto

      Right, well at least it's all coming together slowly. I will probably need to grab a few volunteers who are good with either BB forums or something else to sit down and have a skype call with me to discuss how we go about this...

      NEW TOPIC IS URL! What do we call this?


      Dota2 Topic:

      Off Topic:

      Admin Topic:
      Bugs and Issue
      Improvements & Suggestions
      Reporting Users

      Coaching is actually going to be a primary focus of mine so would really like it to be in a separate topic. I also think that perhaps within the "chat" area I can lock a 5K only post so we can worry about the in's and out's later I just want to get the structure down.

      Este comentario fue editado

        call the site smth mmr'ish imo...


          To be honest I think that braking it up into sub forums based on mmr is a really bad idea. I would be completely fine if every ones account displayed their mmr. this just seems like it is going to create a whole lot of posts where hardly any one comments (remember the site is just starting out, you don't have 5,000 users already), or posts where bad players reinforce each others bad theory crafting ideas and no better player ever chimes in to explain how their thinking is wrong. Personally I would be much less likely to look at a topic if I cant post on it. As for peoples massive egos causing issues, I thought it was going to be moderated wouldn't it be simpler to just warn someone if there ego was out of hand.


            Call the site

            Sorry bogi I had to :D.

            ICE SKULL

              too many sub sections for me

              i would worry about mmr brackets later when activity gets going, for coaching you can make a stickty thread

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              bum farto

                Well I honestly think that we can all agree the MMR divide may have been a good idea for this unmoderated community but if this is user driven people will feel less entitled to be elitists and dicks. The forum belongs to the users and is equally run by the majority where people probably won't be "shitting" in the bed they sleep in.

                If we do have a shitter though, myself or one of the other appointed mods will deal with him.



                  I havent read through all the comments, sorry if this has been suggested.

                  You could do a wordpress site and manually add topics deemed useful using iframes?

                  Sections, categories and administration will be easier if you lack manpower.

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  bum farto

                    This is why I will need to have a chat with people in the know about this.

                    Anyone wanting in on the development side is welcome to add me on steam and we can talk it out.


                      remember higher mmr people should also be able to make threads for lower mmr people to post on... im saying this since you should probably not divide it in mmr sections yet

                      bum farto

                        To clarify the MMR brackets thing is put on ice till the core structure is running.


                          I wish I had the time to actually do it, but I dont. If kind find anyone to help you in this regard I will happily help you set it up and teach you how to use wordpress.

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Strategy subsection is needed.


                              it is pointless to have high mmr people posting in lower mmr forums. Defeats the whole purpose.

                              if high mmr players want to give advice, they can go to coaching.


                                as Number 12 said, MMR should be displayed on your profile. (I think you do it with stream tracker?)

                                sub-forums divided by MMR is a pretty stupid idea tbh, you don't see 5k 6k players talking about strategies or games everyday (taking dotabuff as example, you see matrice sometimes giving TB advices and wave complaining about how X guy is 5k)

                                what I suggest is: the coaching section should be invite only instead. Players must be 5k+ to be a coach.

                                Spinach Rag





                                  Off Topic
                                  -everything non-dota related goes here

                                  Support and Feedback
                                  -Forum announcements. Also the place to post forum related suggestions and issues.

                                  *bracket related subforums or user privileges will breed cliquey behavior, and cliquey behavior is a particular type of cancer in every internet forum.

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    coaching is poormans boosting for 4.9ks and below, no idea why that would be 5k+ only


                                      i didnt mean it like that dude wtf im not fucking retarded @concede... thing about it a bit so i wont have to waste time explaining

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        i dont understand w hy there is a need for coaching, its such a stupid thing and mmr display is the worst idea ever, i could just ask my friend to show 7k on my profile

                                        just create a strategy forum and only 5.5ks+ can post in it, the tricky part is how to give someone permission to post in a board

                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                          why not u could get ur arcanas from there


                                            afaik you can set a password to that board.

                                            because coaching would help a lot of players.
                                            while I don't have anything against account boosting, instead of boosting a 2k player to 5k, helping him improve to 2,5k or 3k would be amazing.


                                              i still volunteer to be wave's right hand at moderating the 5k+ section

                                              ayy nvm its 5,5k

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                cool idea. slowly stop posting here because there are so many trolls.

                                                good idea/good luck!


                                                  and for what it's worth, imo there shouldn't be too many subforums, especially if it's split up by mmr. If anything just allow people to submit what mmr they are so everyone can see what skill level/how credible their advice is. If you really want to enforce it, have people send a screenshot to a mod or w/e.

                                                  maybe 2 sections: dota/offtopic or something. What brings everyone together on this is there's only 1 place for all the topics.


                                                    you can't display mmr. It is hidden in the API.


                                                      You can simply tell all users that want to gain access to the subforum to add a moderator/administrator and have them verify your MMR. Not that difficult.


                                                        Yeah. What I meant was when registering, or anytime, if you want your MMR displayed have users send a screenshot of their mmr to a mod and the mod can add their mmr next to their username or something.

                                                        bum farto

                                                          For clarity. The organization and how we go about it will be the smaller part, but for now we have establish that we will need the following 3 as categories.

                                                          > Dota2 related topics (including)
                                                          - Advice & Coaching
                                                          - General Chat
                                                          - Media & Vods etc.
                                                          > Off topic
                                                          > Administration

                                                          What comes under them is open for adding, removing once I can get the structure together. I have decided to go with PHPBB3 and have worked all today on the template which should closely resemble the steam/dotabuff look and feel which will help people with the transition.

                                                          Coaching is not something to worry about as that is my project on the side on something I have done here, on dotaroot, and other sites so this will be a project that I will work on as a side one.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            Also there will be NO mmr display, I might add something where you can put a range in or something but that would be equally stupid and if I was to make a locked 5K+ topic it would be an area protected by your account e.g. I would have to give your login permission to access and permission would have to be on a add on steam and prove it basis for now.

                                                            This site is not about stats or MMR and you are welcome to take that stuff back here and continue with it, I am open to stuff and suggestions but I want to avoid it being a dotabuff forum v2

                                                            If I were to make a locked 5K topic I would also make a locked topic for anyone below that because fair's fair and it will have to be that way, but this should be the smallest topic of discussion right now.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado


                                                              the issue is mmr changes, so the decision would have to be made about what a 4k or 5k is exactly.

                                                              Someone who reached 4k once but dropped to 3k? etc.... It is very common for players to change 500 mrr in under a month.

                                                              also, individuals would do the verifying, which always has a high probability of being abused. "oh he is 3.8k but he is good and my friend so i gave him 4k access" etc... and there would be no way to independently verify, leading to potential witch hunts etc...

                                                              and yes, this really isn't that important right now. Getting people to use the site is more important than segregating users atm.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                nice. simplicity is bliss


                                                                  Put a few suggestions at the bottom of the google doc but I guess I'll put them here too.

                                                                  Hero Talk

                                                                  - Subforum for each str hero
                                                                  - Subforum for each agi hero
                                                                  - Subforum for each int hero

                                                                  I think sections for finding people to play with/teams to play with would be good as well. Although I guess this might not be big enough for that.


                                                                    No, that's similar to the NAdota approach and it fucking sucks balls.


                                                                      Never been on NAdota, but if you say so.

                                                                      Spinach Rag

                                                                        I would also suggest to not have too many subforums in the beginning, and instead add more subforums as the need arises.

                                                                        Be heavy-handed with the moderation, especially with the ad-homs and the no-content nonsense like 'lulz' or 'I agree' or 'nice post'. That way you'll have threads whose contents are on-topic and meaningful. Once the members see a bigger picture of what a quality thread looks like, they will likely adapt and make their posts just as meaningful and high-quality if they want to develop a reputation for themselves. This also allows members who do not necessarily have a high mmr -but have meaningful content and opinions to share- develop a reputation. A high mmr is merely a metric that marginally assesses a player's skill, it does not guarantee the same person can make meaningful and helpful posts, which is the bread and butter of Internet message forums to begin with. I mean, there are players with high mmrs who have shit attitudes and shit quality posts, are there not?


                                                                          FYI....the only reason why I mention displaying MMR might be a good feature is because when discussing ideas with everyone, everyone might not be talking about the same skill level/mmr bracket meta. Even on these forums I kinda keep track if someone should be listened to 100% or with a grain of salt.

                                                                          It's nice to know how credible the source of advice/theory is.

                                                                          go kill urself

                                                                            really like this idea. i think the main necessary subforums would be strategy and individual improvement though

                                                                            also for the verify mmr thing would you do it NEL-style where you send pictures or something or add a person or would you make a bot do it?

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              Ok, well the site base is up so the next step now is that I am going to need 2 people who are really good at BB forums to help me get the site structure together.

                                                                              You can add me on skype @ sam.ttcoordinator


                                                                                Good luck Havoc. Genuinely looking forward to this. I know I am not that experienced in dota yet. If you are ever in need of volunteers to help out; I would love to be a part of it. (I am not experienced in website design but I do have experience in moderation though that was more of a gm role).

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                  someone create a decent or buy a cookie BBS forum!

                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    @Manbearpig it's already been done, I have spent the better part of the last couple of days putting the structure and basic layout in place. I am looking for a few things here which I will need help with...

                                                                                    1. Adjusting the styles to have it fairly closely resemble dotabuff/steam so the transition will be easier for people.
                                                                                    2. Some help with the planning and setting up of user roles, steam login, etc.
                                                                                    3. Forum tree creation, may seem small but we need to do it right from the start

                                                                                    ...any helpers?

                                                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                                                      So, when will this go online?


                                                                                        yea havoc. contact me later today

                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          Apparently the name I wanted is taken by dotacinema! Any ideas for names?

                                                                                          Miku Plays







                                                                                                In all seriousness, just search up synonyms of 'Forum' and slap doto next to it.

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                                  @zenoth that was my idea but dotacinema bought the domain and are camping it

                                                                                                  bum farto



                                                                                             (or without the k)

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