General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR score = Player Skill?

MMR score = Player Skill? in General Discussion

    low mmr (0-2k mmr)= noob.
    average mmr (3k-4k)= quite noob.
    high mmr (4K-5k)= almost noob
    dendi or mushi (aka rapist) mmr (5.5k and above)= pro.
    dotobuff standards are 5k. anything below the score are noob.

    I guess this how the doto community think of other players MMR.
    So they must be pretty accurate since we all agree of this right?
    But the question is does the "MatchMaking Rating provide an clear indication of a player skill?"


      if it is a smurf then most likely no

      NO MAP (TEST)

        please stop writing doto it hurts my eyes

        solo mmr = score that shows how good u are at winning solo ranked games.

        u are MOST LIKELY as good / bad as ur rating is atm. that doesnt mean u cant improve and get better.
        i dont rly understand ur question but it seems like ur implying its a bad system and it doesnt "provide a clear indication of player skill".

        this happen all the time, people with 4k mmr wont let a 6k player mid because "mmr doesn't matter". if ur 2k above someone CHANCES ARE the higher player will be better and should get to play whichever role he wants.

        there can't be a system that 100% always makes even teams but i don't think the current mmr system is too bad : ))


          I think i have the lpwest mmr here lol...


            1k - 2k = Begginer, there is no way you will have 2k mmr if you have at least 1 year of Dota.

            2k - 2.7k = Player that have bad habits, bad players, rude players, egoistical shits.

            2.7k - 3k = Players that want to improve, working hard on that, decent at Dota.

            3k - 3.5k= Little above avarage, lazy players, most of them.

            3.5k - 4k = above avarage, tryin' to improve for higher-level brackets

            Above that it's just little things. But basicly, 4.5k+ players is only about 10% of Dota community if I'm not mistaken?

            OFc, I'm not talking about smurfs. Players with at least 500 games overall.


              ^not really, anything under 6k is pretty bad
              5k is decent-ish

              Este comentario fue editado

                C'mon Allison... anything under 7k is scrub tier.

                Hex Sigma

                  ^c'mon man we all know 9k is the new "good" standards.

                  In all seriousness my opinion is that players should focus on improving general gameplay aspects rather than grind mmr. TBH by improving at the game in general you will also earn more mmr in the end.


                    i was pretty serious. Swiftending said it himself that he gets matched with 5ks plenty of times and they get outplayed every minute


                      Breaking news from Allison: people with higher MMR can outplay people with lower MMR. We'll be following this story as it develops.


                        This is a more accurate description of 2k-3k range:


                          @OP not in all cases I would have thought?

                          but to know for sure I imagine you need a proper research from 0k to 5k with thousands of games(per region) looked at.


                            I will try to my free time.

                            now. this mmr thingy becomes a discriminatory insult to players. not a good thing i suppose?

                            Paid actor

                              @Allison..come on dont be so radical i understand that below 5k r actually players that make serious mistakes in decision making or have weak game mechanics but sayin that under 6k is bad is kinda over the charts...its like not even 1% of dota players over 6k i cant rly tell it but even teh leadboards go to 5.8 or in some regions to 5.5. If even ppl of leaderboard aint good players than ur standarts should be looking to the pro scene. Imo categories should be like:
                              the problems (most notable)
                              0-3k lasthit problem/item choice
                              3-4k decision making/map awarness
                              4-5k smelling the 5k boarderline and prettinding to be 5k even tho has been sitting in the bracket for ages (including me!!!!!!)
                              5-6 pretty decent player high personal skill sometimes can even troll build or smth but by no means bad players
                              6-7k shit got serious.

                              What seems pretty surprising is that the diffrence in personal skill aint so high between 4k-ish and 5k-ish (well ofc it is but not gamebreaking) i for myself have a friend of mine which we played dota for god knows how long and he is 5.6k now and has been as close as 5.8k, and we r almost on par in skills at least proven in 1v1 and ingame house games when 10 friends we would split in 2 teams and play and me and him were the best players so we were on oposing teams and mostly facing both mid or both carries or smth like that...i managed to win more than lose. Still when it comes to ranked he skyrockets the brackets like np. We used to play some clan wars games and he was the person i had to shout the most (i was the captain >.<) coz his item choice was freakin weird and his game concept was so out of the line that it made me angry and always surprised me how was he so good on ranked (he even played dotalicious was a sl3 like np). And before u guyz replay smth like "mb his item choice was fine but whats wrong is u that cant comprehend the idea behind his items" lemme give u a simple example of rainbow build on void pts/yasha/drums/maelstorm/pointbooster.....rushing etheral with morphling against zeus/lina/leshrac/aa/WK and refusing to get neither linkens nor bkb!!!!...being 23-0 on qop and then just staring the enemy that he raped take towers instead of taking objectives!! this r just some wierd shit that eh does and whats the most wierd thing is that he cant explain why he does those things or gives some kind of explanations that seems so retarded such as "i didnt make bkb coz endgame it will be down to 4 seconds" when were gettting raped early game.

                              Anyway this shit was a wall of text what i wanna say is that knowledge=/=execution, i can pretty much say that he might be soem1 of those that wave calls autists above 5k phantom lancers with necrobook but the proof is that he is 5.6k and he aint stayin that coz of luck or coz of praising lord gaben.


                                2k and 3k players are nubs, but they know they're far from the pro brackets so won't go apeshit everytime they lose
                                4k ppl are on the other hand, trying so badly to reach 5k like if it would be somekind of magic barrier :D I've got my current rank (5200) about 6 months ago, and i can tell you that when someone instantly wants the go mid, either he is 6k or (mostly) 4k. I had a game few days ago when 3 players instalocked mid, all was 43xx. Needless to say they just took all the core positions and fed the enemy and started blaming everyone except themselves.

                                Most of the 5k players reached their goal, they accept it when a game goes wrong and not necessarily starts crying about losing some points as they will still remain in the "5k+ bracket".

                                tl;dr: 5k players are not that much better than 4k, but they are definitely more chilled which makes them perform better and more fun to play with.


                                  some ppl on leaderboards have very inflated mmr, some of them dont deserve to be there and are in fact pretty bad
                                  ask the high rated players (6k+) and they will tell you this

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    coming from 2700 mmr player= Alison


                                      sry im 2,6k

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        lol, sry, still better then me((

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          10k mmr that's where it's at.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            My sister is 11k mmr


                                              never seen bs descriptions like these. a player whos played 3k games and is 4k is better than some 500 games guy callibrated in 5k for no reason. cant count the billions of times where 4 out of the 5 in a team just gets carried by 1 guy, where the other 4 have very little impact. there are maybe 8 million dota player and approx. 200 or more are 6k and a fistful of 7k just judging by the leaderbords.

                                              obv these 6-7k are playing this game since dota 1 release, nobody of them got 6k by starting as a new player in dota 2.

                                              my main got callibrated at 4.6, and climbed to 5.3. i watch streams from 6k player and can say their games dont look different than 4-5k games.

                                              what ppl forget is that these 6k players get matched with 5k or even 4k simply because there are just 200 of them and its pretty logic not everyone of them is online and playing at the same time.

                                              in conclusion to that it seems pretty sad that none of the pro players even rached 8 or 9k when they are playing with 'lower' skilled players 90% of the time huh?

                                              so i think you p*nis sucking fackers should get off your high horses and learn some actual skills like sociality. most of these guys are pretty much l*sers irl who get larking on a game that doesnt even need 1/10 of the skill star craft needs.


                                                starcraft is for fucktards dota is for strategists


                                                  if u think you are as good as a 6k im sorry but u have downs


                                                    y i am, stomped 6k pretty often, i can easily climb to 6k, you should remain at '5k is decent-ish'. cant believe how fucking dumb ppl on this forum are, literally no reason to argue with you eltist nonames. btw you scrub know youre 5k yourself y? so you realize youre talking shit about yourself. mongo #1


                                                      i realise now this is just some low quality bait

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        be nice


                                                          y guys, learn some sociality,



                                                            But the question is does the "MatchMaking Rating provide an clear indication of a player skill?"

                                                            Best answered: It provides a clear indication of how well you have played in your Ranked MM games.
                                                            Because that's what it is.

                                                            Of course MMR inflated smurfs are exceptions, but I assume you mean for real accounts.

                                                            go kill urself

                                                              waga what's the difference between a mmr-inflated smurf and one that isn't? is mmr-inflated like void spamming?


                                                                Smurfs mmr is not accurate thats why he says that.

                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                go kill urself

                                                                  the inflated is there for a reason i think


                                                                    When ranked MM first came out I calibrated at 3.7k solo cause I lost like 9/10 of my calibration matches. From there I climbed to 5.3k in like a week and a half. IMO there is a massive skill difference every 500mmr, and even a greater difference every 1000. In my games I can tell the difference between a 4k player and a 4.5k player. Between a 4.5k player and a 5k player. etc etc. Anything more than 1k and you're playing in a different league entirely.


                                                                      am i fucking diamond or not

                                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                        murs it ranks hero scores not individual accounts lol...

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                          yes swiftending gets matched with/against 5k's and outplays them...and swiftending is your typical forum poster and totally not an outlier /s

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                            it'd be nice if people would actually just think about it and come to the conclusion that the terms "good" and "bad" are relative (there is no absolute metric)

                                                                            it's like asking what's the point of get different answers from different people

                                                                            BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                              i do agree though 5k is not good anymore

                                                                              proof: i am 5k and i'm not good LOL

                                                                              but at least i'm not retarded/autistic

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              Game is hard!

                                                                                There is this thing called 'edit-button' you should use it.

                                                                                stop being a retard like melody shitter

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  Please be a little cilivized man, were not here argue like apes.
                                                                                  Peace out hommies.
                                                                                  Updated: If we only consider main accounts, would their MMR well enough to judge players skill?


                                                                                    The DotA Scale works like this-

                                                                                    1k- Brain Damaged
                                                                                    3k-Really Bad
                                                                                    5k-Probably Bad
                                                                                    6k-Possibly Bad
                                                                                    Pro Level- Gets paid, so who cares how bad?

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado


                                                                                      NO MAP (TEST)

                                                                                        1k - feeding to get the lowest mmr possible
                                                                                        2k - new to playing games
                                                                                        3k - casual player, played a few games
                                                                                        4k - average player, trying to improve
                                                                                        5k - wave
                                                                                        6k - skilled players
                                                                                        7k- top tier