General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best heroes for 5 man lvl1 rosh into mid push?

What are the best heroes for 5 man lvl1 rosh into mid push? in General Discussion

    I feel like its lycan prophet enigma leshrac luna. What do you think?

    Dire Wolf

      I think the common one is luna, enigma, beastmaster, witch dr, can't remember the last one. Venge maybe? Tons of aura heroes basically plus luna's super glaives and witch dr's heal.

      Wraith king's vamp aura plus ursa is a 2 man rosh team. Add any pushers to that and you've done well.


        LD, lich, venge, WK, BM

        Frost armor on bear, wave on venge, aura on WK and BM

        go kill urself

          lol no ursa