Just had the exact same sh*t happen again.
Some other guy picked techies and my teammate furion just teleported to a cliff and said "enjoy your loss".
I'm done with ranked, 3800 is literally unplayable, everyone is super toxic
Yesterday during the picking phase someone had techies highlighted, 2 guys said they gonna afk if he picks techies.
I dont think techies is a legit pick too but ffs, why get a free loss if you can at least try to win? Do they think that afking will discourage these people to pick techies?
People often pick shit like pudge which isnt the best pick either but lately my team have won with him a few times so I stopped carring that much about picks
Just realized what people im playing with... http://www.dotabuff.com/players/194119506 200 games and it was that guy crying like a bitch about the techies
i don't get it, no one afks when I pick wisp
Wisp winrate: 39.34%
Techie winrate: 44.80%
I know, I guess he has a shit K/D but it's only 0.05 off wisp and chen and i'll bet if you took sucides out of the equation his will be one of the highest.
cos everyone been so used to the autistic level 1 mines techies (support/offlane) which is so fucking god awful
You could easily won that game with techies lol 4 melee's. But meh shit happens dumb teammates all the time.
Because techies sucks.
I mean he's not that bad, but no one plays him right. But even if you are the one out of fifty people who does play him right he's extremely defensive hero and really boring to play with or against.
Stop ruining games by picking teckies, I salute these champions of justice willing to tank their MM to prove a point
Timberwolf right -_-
Even full slotted QoP or AM still dead against this Troll, really god of troll
play techies in normal matchmaking until it becomes your most successful hero.
maybe, just maybe but highly unlikely people will now respect your techies as a hero that will help in the win.
I just don't get why he is fun. Literally the entire game will be oh no we are losing cus I am techies and not actually useful except at stopping pushes! Then enemy will come mid while you put a million ult bombs on the tower. If they are dumb they wipe once but it still doesn't matter cus again you are techies and not actually useful so they'll just come mid again later, this time with sentries. Now they drop the wards, see the bombs, slowly kill them at range. Techies notices this and says fuck it, blows up the creep wave. GG now both sides sit around with their dicks in their hands waiting to do it all over again. Enemy team realizes this so they have to split push all lanes up. You blow up the creep waves approaching all the waves. But now since they are split pushing you can't re mine all three towers again in time so one will finally go down this time.
That's pretty much techies in a nutshell. Or you can sit in fountain and turn that 20 min sequence I just described into 2 mins.
W.e i will just play him unranked like i said, not worth beefing with all these nerds
So glad this sampson guy chimed in btw, i know it's his life mission to flood every thread on this forum with some banal reply
I hate other picks too, not just picking on techies. I can't stand when anyone on my team picks morph or earth spirit either. I hate legion commander picks too.
Again you are picking Techies as a 4 but farming as a 2 and contributing no gold to support items. It's not surprising that your lone support is getting frustrated when he has nothing and the team still has needs.
Be a little bit more compassionate and less selfish with your picks and people will respond generally better. Team has two supports? Feel free to Techies, no one will really care.
Becouse so many players ruined games with techies, including you?
I've got so many players in start menu be like "okay i know what im doing. Trust me, i go mid techies" and all of the other players rage and he still picks it. 2minute-onward we played with a creep with high gold and exp bonty when killed, even creeps are more usefull than him, and he took our mid lane.
@ dont get me wrong, he is extremly powered against all melee line ups or at least one-two ranged at max. Just the number of players that don't play him correcty (99,8%) makes him a game ruiner.
WISP, winrate is low cuz in pubs ppl dont know how to play him. Dont talk about winrates looking in dotabuff. datdota.com is better website for that. ppl think that techies is rlly bad cuz he usually spents 90% of time in river putting 10 mines on rune when 3 killls about anyone. He gets underlvled and just loses. techies can be played good if you hav stronger late game or a team that wrks great around him such as magnus who can pull ppl into mines. The bad thing aout techies is that he has no good easy to use instant stun slow or silance, he can be 100% countered just by 1 gem, no right click dmg, squishy.
Hello guys, i play Techies a lot too, and have a pretty consistent win ratio of ~70% (i play in several accounts, this account and this one : http://www.dotabuff.com/players/163219468 ). I am a 4500 MMR player and play Techies in both ranked and unranked games.
I usually play Techies at the mid lane (or if i can't i don't even try to pick it) because Techies really need fast exp, and fast farm. I really don't like the 'gimmicky' playstyle by setting early mines at the side shop in order to trap the opponents. I find this playstyle not consistent at all. I am not bad at last hitting with Techies (around 50 cs at 10 min), and that's why i go mid with it. I don't recommend anyone to go mid as Techies if one can't farm this to 10 min. Taking the first blood is easy since you can have quickly suicide level 2, which is great. So, Techies needs fast exp and farm, to quickly get his core items (Bottle, Soul Ring, Arcane boots and later Aghanim). Getting a very fast Aghanim can snowball the game really fast. Setting Remote Mines on the mid lane protects you from any incoming gank and force them to get sentries. If they actually get sentries, just get some sentries and deward, OR you can set remote mines near your safelane in order to protect your carry.
Anyway, this is not a guide, so i'm not going to tell more, but most of the time, people tend to hate Techies because they have no idea how to play it well and efficiently. Techies is extremely powerful as a great damage dealer and his potential in late game is simply unequaled by any other hero thank to his stasis trap and remote mines, but people don't know it unfortunately.
Techies is one of the best, if not the best, split pusher of the game. Because you need only ONE remote mine (with Aghanim) to wipe a wave. If you set multiples mines on the lanes, you can split push while not even being on the lane by exploding one remote mine at the time the creep wave goes on it. Meanwhile you and your team can set up some ganks, rosh or whatever they need because it creates space so easily.
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How can i work around this? no matter what i say tto them, i get kids saying "GG" when i pick techies in ranked.
Two games in a row I had toxic nerds AFKing in the well because i picked techies.
Look at this match, we could have easily won but this SD afk'ed from level 5 onwards, he just came out to get exp once in a while.
i was 3-0 at the point he started afking too. What the f*ck????
I'm almost done with ranked, people treat it like a job or something