General Discussion

General Discussionhow hard is the tb nerf?

how hard is the tb nerf? in General Discussion

    whats your opinion on ill dmg taken increase?


      its huge, especially with squshu hero as he is. any hero with nukes will wipe his illusions. Terblade jungle is still possible, because of his armor.


        i think icefrog releases a patch every time he gets high as fuck.


          lol, why is he nerfing and buffing hard carrys?

          Dire Wolf

            I think it only affects his jungle and split push farming. Heroes were already able to nuke down your illusions just fine anyway. But now illusions take almost 30% more dmg? I don't know exactly but it's a lot more. For the beginning jungle maybe it's not a huge nerf but once you get to like level 12 with a yasha your illusions were strong enough to solo clear medium camps, sometimes a hard one. Now they have no shot. Might need to rush talisman of evasion over saving for eaglesong for butter so illusions can split/clear jungle better.

            I'm not sure about the move speed nerf. It could potentially be pretty big. I would often go s&y + boots of travel and just run away from incoming enemies during my split push. Being ~30 slower (with the % move speed on s&y) could be pretty big.


              i dont like it.... just played one game and it was challenging but still manageable...


                i dont follow the pro scene but i think tb in cm is just too broken
                they never put him in cm in d1
                i guess thats why he nerf him

                Este comentario fue editado

                  no... he had a 48% in competitive, most pros didnt know how to play him, and the few that did were rare enough that nobody bothered adapting to TB

                  most teams just banned him because they didnt bother to adapt playing with/against him....


                    would u say jungle tb is still doable? i started playing him yesterday so im not that fluid on jungling routines and dunno how hard it will be now :/
                    according to reddit: it's 41.667% more damage.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      I didnt have any trouble with him jungling, micro a bit wraight band followed by drums and was prutty easy


                        i dont want your x6 opinion

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          I think you need it.


                            48% win rate competitive, while no1 know how to counter him there. Obviously need a nerf xD.

                            He would not even have 30% win rate (if picked before last pick) if people had a single clue of how to counter him.

                            And well, now if he is ever played again in cm, that's the winrate he will get without being countered

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              i just played a tb game, and the only thing that felt weaker was that i can no longer cancel tps with sunder.
                              The illus are a bit more squishy early but i didnt feel any difference once i had more than 2k hp and evasion

                              But i cant say how its going to effect competitive scene

                              Sōu ka

                                if you firstpick an illusion based hardcarry like tb and give the enemy team 5 picks to react to that and still have 50% then the hero is fucking broken

                                am is a hero thats actually still picked from time to time wonder what his win rate would be if you firstpicked him
                                maybe 20%?

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  you only need lion to counter terblade lol)) hexmana drain stun ult


                                    wow thanks for tip ynit gonna play lion to rape tb now


                                      its like tb has a perpetual Mask of madness thing going on his illusions c:


                                        My thoughts on the nerfed TB = My $35 ;_;

                                        EDIT: I would like to have some of what Ice frog was smoking when he was thinking of a nerf to TB.

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                                          more food for ember spirit