General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best screen size to play on?

What is the best screen size to play on? in General Discussion

    Hi guys, im new in the scene, and learning a bit. Trying to get better always. Ive been wondering if there is a difference when playing on bigger screens. I always see people playing on monitors around 19", but im using my lounge tv to play on (37") and im just wondering if the size would have an impact on playing style?

    Anyway, im new and would also appreciate if you could take a look at one of my games
    I think it was awesome bringing a turnaround (and winning!) after we were down 15k points in the 33rd minute!

    bum farto

      37" is far too big, people are sold the idea that bigger is better buy playing on a TV/screen of that size is very uncomfortable for the eyes and also of an inferior quality to conventional monitors. While movies, and console games are designed to display/Pan out well on TV's most games aren't. I have found over time that best resolution you can play on is 1920x1200 cause even with low AA or AAF you will hardly notice the difference due to the resolution.

      I have 2x U2410's and I will never swap them, dell make the best monitors (they make the panels for the Apple ones that cost 1000's) and they should continue to do so.

      Keep in mind TV's and Monitors work in different ways. Like I see game kids going "I play on a 42" TV, I am so cool" but that's just fucking stupid as TV's weren't made to be used like this and your stretching/lossing quality and its just not ideal or meant for that. With a little research I could fill a couple pages about this topic.

      1. Things like motion blur due to TV's low refresh HZ rate, or FPS display.
      2. Plasma burn and LCD back lit.
      3. Eye span how much is too much.
      4. IPS monitors, LCD backlit monitors, TN Film Monitors etc. what should you choose.
      5. 1080p and the dellusions of HD in gaming
      6. TV high refresh rates, low resolutions. How does this effect games reliant on high resolutions for clarity. (tv's are usually 1377x768 , 1920x1080)

      There are lot of nerdy details that you can go into and reasons why you shouldn't play PC games on a TV. inb4 FPS conspiracy theories and TV gamer fanboys.

      Epic Sax Guy

        All I know is that porn is best played on small monitors, because they are much tighter...

        But seriously... given the fairly low graphics insensitivity of Dota 2, as long as you can get 90+ fps you'll be fine with any 1920x1200 monitor. Take also into account how close to the monitor you sit. If your head is dashing back and forth over the screen, you need to move back.


          AAhh, yeah!!
          Thanks! I think then I should plan for a separate screen in my near future :-) that and a headset.. lol

          Dire Wolf

            1080p is just a resolution of 1920x1080, it's not even a good resolution it's just standard for "high def" tv.

            I really love the 16:10 aspect ratio and would love to get a 1920x1200 monitor but 16:9 is a lot more available and cheaper. The lowest price at a glance on newegg for a 1920x1200 is a 23 in for $230 while you can get a 1920x1080 22 in for $120. That's what I have now, a 22 in 1920x1080 max res led monitor. I used to have a 16:10 ratio monitor but it maxed out at 1680x1050 so going to a 1080p res was a little better. I wouldn't say 1080p is low res, it's pretty standard and it is perfectly fine for a 18-22 in size monitor where you are sitting close to it. 16:10 is just a little nice aspect ratio, doesn't feel so squished but you probably can't notice the difference unless the two are side by side.

            Higher refresh would be sweet too but again, going fro a 60hz monitor to a 120hz more than doubles the price and is it that noticeable? Plus other than very undemanding games like dota my hardware can't run shit at more than 60 fps anyway so there is no point. Like tomb raider on max settings but with FXAA and no tressfx I average like 55 fps.
