General Discussion

General DiscussionA few questions about MMR

A few questions about MMR in General Discussion
Yolo Swaggins

    Hey guys!

    I've started to get into DotA big time after taking a 2 year or so break (I played during beta). I've maintained a highly positive W/L ratio, and have an overall KDA of about 3.02. I'm nearing a 70%~ winrate, and am fluctuating between games at high and normal skill levels, according to how Dotabuff calculates the skill levels of these matches.

    What I'm curious about is what I should expect after my ranked games, or even when I hit level thirteen? I have no idea what my MMR is around, and am not really good at calculating it. :) Are there any resources, perhaps, that are useful in calculating MMR/potential MMR?

    Thanks guys!

    EDIT: This is a new account that I started in order to relearn the game. Unfortunately I have no cosmetic items or anything of the sort on my other account, but I had managed to get my MMR too high to start off learning there. Thanks again!

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      MMR is shit


        ^This :)

        Yolo Swaggins

          While I appreciate the modesty (heh), I'm def. looking for what range of MMR I should expect to find myself in once my calibration matches (2 more levels to go once I can play ranked) are done with. Mainly because the system is rather confusing.


            I'm pretty sure Very High Skill starts at 3700 since i passed it weeks ago. From what i heard high skill starts at 3200 mmr and normal skill below that. So you're maybe around 3200 at best if you're ocassionally on high and usually on normal. Dunno if that helps.


              mmr from 0k to 5k is a pretty good representation of players' skill. after 5k there are many account buyers and inflated players, so its hard for the legit high rated players to win games because if account buyers pick cores its basically a lost game.

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              BDP ™

                Do you play with your friend? it seems you have a high winrate and an average kda, but it doesnt matter if dotabuff says you are in normal/high skill (range around 2.7 -3.5k mmr). I think you are playing with a friend am i right?


                  The system is confusing because it doesn't work. Valve claims its system is the magic bullet in making sure teams have a 50% chance to win by being so limited in its analysis that it can only do it in a very general and vague format. It doesn't look at players' impact performance, their KDAs, their GPMs, their typical roles, heroes, friends they play with, etc. when trying to balance pub matches. It just goes by a one-dimensional number that is constantly needing to be re-adjusted for everybody. Does it REALLY know if a match is going to be a 50% chance on paper? Because it brings a lot of matches that are very skewed...

                  At the end of the day, you can only assume that the matches are random in quality and you may as well pick up astrology to help you win... especially where OP is.


                    The only people who complain about MMR being shitty is because they don't like MMR.

                    Indeed, one can point out the flaws of MMR and there is the possibility of a 'trench' if a person is a specific type of player HOWEVER, it is accurate for the vast remaining % of players.

                    If you can't bring your winrate above 60% against people you deem '500' mmr below you, then you don't really deserve to do it. You should be able to do it even with retarded teammates.


                      This is being asked to 1v5. Except the game is not 1v5. If this were the expectancy of any player, then may as well go the full distance with this absurdity and make it the official format. Good players happen, but more often than not it's a loss at the draft/lane setup especially when you're required to be reliant. It's also not a me > them thing, it's 1-2 people that are WAY below their expectation either because their friend is in the match and higher rated or some other silly discrepancy... imagine having to 4v5 because a player is effectively inactive. This situation is much, MUCH more familiar and common than having an ordinary balanced match win-or-loss. It even happens on the enemy's side too, but obviously less noticeable since I'm not on that side.

                      Valve believes that quantity > quality, and why shouldn't they? More hat drops to put on the market for them to make 15 cents on the dollar. That's why they remove game modes and queue options because queue times and "MMR abuse" (which wouldn't happen if their systems were more intelligent) are "truly" the bigger issue. :)


                        Yet, its already been acknowledged solo mmr is the ability to 1v5. Thats the reason nobody cares about party MMR and its also the reason why people find higher MMR impressive and want it. BECAUSE ITS NOT EASY TO GET.

                        If the system changed to somehow fit what you have in mind, the value of MMR would drastically drop.


                          mmr is far from perfect but it is functional and does its job for the most part

                          MATCH MAKING RATING

                          its to make a match


                            If you don't improve you'll probably get around 3.3k as you're between normal and high brackets

                            The problem with these bracket names is that they are false

                            Normal = trash
                            High = average
                            Very high = has decent, good and excellent players

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                              lol ur all sutpid if yuo think anything below 5k is dumb

                              its an actual representation of yuor skill level and if you thikn otherwise you're just proving my point.

                              If you're 3k mid vs a 5k mid lol ur gunn alose