General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many times have you uninstalled dota and then installed it again?

How many times have you uninstalled dota and then installed it again? in General Discussion

    10 times and still counting. It helps that it only takes 20 minutes to download.




        2 times. last time it was 3-4 months ago, and before that 2 years ago



          I'd assume only metally challanged people would have done that, especially that many times.
          However that's just my thought/opinion.


            haha not really mentally challenged, just got some exams trying to avoid getting distracted. But yes it downloads really fast.


              Just a few times trying to solve that stupid "random" lag spike thing that comes and goes with patches.


                Dota 1 plenty of times.

                I don't think I ever uninstalled Dota 2. Were several months when I did not play, but game was still installed.

                me, government hooker

                  16 times

                  Bad Intentions

                    over 9000


                      Why bananas?


                        Double-digits. It helps to not break the spell unless I REALLY wanted to. But the game has to be compelling again enough. Playing this game is like trying to run with a healing leg only to have it break over and over again.

                        Game is hard!

                          2 times. Update fucked something over so i had to do so.


                            only once


                              Never. Only stopped playing for some time but never had to/want to uninstall. Not even for technical reasons.

                              [DFG] Whale King


                                harvard graduate

                                  0. I think people who rage at the game so far that they actually uninstall it or rage at other people should actually go visit a doctor. there might be a serious case of autism right there.


                                    2 times, but for bug fixing, not due to rage ^^

                                    Low Expectations

                                      3 times during exam sessions, ended up watching couch stream

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Man you kids have issues, go see a doctor if you think that shit is normal......


                                          haha you guys should probably not reinstall if the game gives you this much grief.


                                            Never. I took a break from dota 2 about last year i think, but i never uninstalled it.

                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                              Uninstall? Why? Cant handle losing? LOL


                                                0, waste of fucking time.


                                                  not once.... why would you really uninstall it... rather have my fix of this.. lol


                                                    Often. Always when I have to work harder. Its just symbolic, but helps to focus. Dota fucks up my daily schedule cause I tend to play more than I want to, esp during night times.