General Discussion

General DiscussionUnranked 5 stacks...

Unranked 5 stacks... in General Discussion

    I have a group of American-based friends I play with in unranked 5 stacks sometimes

    Holy fuck I don't know which is worse: getting 4.5k core insta-pickers in solo queue or going up against these stacks that tryhard

    I'll let you in on a secret (and Havoc should know this too since we've played a few times): You don't need to win the lane phase to win these games. You literally pick heroes that click R to win team fights (think Lich, Earthshaker, Magnus, Medusa, Warlock, Pugna) because all people do is run around and kill heroes. They end up with 3 cs/minute, have NO individual skill whatsoever (by this I mean poor mechanics, are extremely inefficient with farming, just stick together as 5 all the time, get extremely late items by 5k standards), and it just ends up being whichever team has better aoe/crowd control spells.

    Now I don't mind playing these games since I enjoy matches with friends but I do have to admit the first thing that goes through your mind when you lose these is: "How did we lose to these retards lol" and then u remember it's just picks over skill (unless you consider those as same)

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      Other than team fight heroes, you want heroes that can hold towers. Long range nukes and initiators (so they might be a little less aggressive on the tower knowing that a dagger axe/SK/whoever is around) are handy as fuck. You might not be able to hold the tower, but you should at least delay them enough and give more time for your alllies in other lanes to farm up a little more and/or push out their own lane and take towers or force TPs.


        ^ that too

        people enjoy pushing towers and clicking r when approaching them


          i enjoy picking earth spirit, pressing qwerdzxcvbn and winning fights!


            How about venomancer as a general nearly every game pick? I can see him being laned pretty much anywhere and since his ult pierces bkb it shreds teams. Even suicide Nova is legit if your team can follow up.


              Wow great tips!

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