General Discussion

General DiscussionLife Lessons from Dota 2

Life Lessons from Dota 2 in General Discussion

    i have played dota 2 for about a year or more now. in for dota i have played that games since version 5.XX something.
    after all these playing, i humbly submit what i have learned with the help of these games.

    1) Life is truly unfair - so why cry about it!?
    may it be teammates or sometimes the luck (rng) of your opponents it is somehow stacked against you. in the face of these elements just let it go cause its life.

    2) Life is better with friends - solo queuing is just to sad, so get a friend or two to play with.
    when in a 4 or 3 man stack winning is no longer that far and sometimes winning is not even required. to joke around the game is easier when most of the team are not really serious about the game. then again with a stack when everyone is serious it is somehow a sure win.

    3) Life is fun so why stress about it - mmr is just a number
    when playing i learned that winning is not everything. as long as i have fun playing the game it is enough for me. stress will only make it worse.

    4) Life is full of challenges - winning is to face bigger and better boss fights
    the challenge of the opponents is enough for you to have fun. games that are just too easy for you are boring but those games that makes you play even harder, it gives you the sense that somehow this game is worth playing. that is why having a winning streak is fun since you face better opponents.




        well done m8,
        I realized that after first 2 days of playing


          well it took me years. i'm slow like that hahaha


            After playing doto i wish im meepo with scepter so i can win ti5 :'(


              when the someone instapicks slark and loses safelane and asks mid OD to gang level 7 because he "afk farm mid" its best to send couriers mid so the other team can end game faster.

              life lesson


                True that.

                Raging Aristocrat

                  One has to stop worrying about the things he cant control.