General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti mage 5k+ players, question

Anti mage 5k+ players, question in General Discussion

    Is it worth ever to go midas on Anti Mage or it always sucks and is better faster bf, than delayed one few mins with midas?


      bf is better because
      1) can jungle
      2) can split push
      3) farm faster than midas


        why tf would you go midas into bf, farm into more farm..... anyway I've never even thought about midas on am unless im sure its going late so stick with getting a bf

        Sincerely a 4k scrub. If im wrong educate me all mighty 5k+ players


          it's almost guaranteed to fail in pubs. even in organized games. you already need so much time to farm and 3 items before you join the fight, why delay that even further with midas pickup.

          I'm pretty sure even inhuman bots would take advantage of that.


            its not bad depending on the situation, the key point is manta, you end up reaching manta at the same time as battlefury+manta straight i believe

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              bogidotini midas is for the weak


                if you have so much space to farm you are looking to get six-slotted by 30 minutes, + levels come extremely fast for AM, so a midas is hardly ever good on him

                EZ MID 9k mmr

                  In China midas on AM first is mandatory.


                    y thats true, you get farm fast anyway with Bf more than enough not need for a midas even if 80 cs 10 min.

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                      Midas slows you down. And having half of the battlefury already allows you to help in some skirmishes if required unlike while having midas.
                      And in patch 6.82 in basically all situations midas is helping the enemy team more than your team regardless, thus no don't go for it.


                        It may be useful if you´re not going battle fury. I don't see midas+bfury work in pubs.

                        Maybe midas into crimson to manta.


                          mushi played am mid and went midas into bfury 2-3 days ago
                          they lost to a medusa in the end

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                            Arteezy messed around in some games with midas > vanguard (you all expected midas > bf amirite?) though I can't possibly tell you if it's a good build or not.

                            Game is hard!

                              Midas is worse for a lot of reasons. First of all, the thing that makes AM so 'great' is his flashfarm ability. The reason why battlefury is so nice on Antimage is because he has a reliable escape, which means he can push effectively and is able to delay the game by split pushing. Battlefury also gives AM cleave, which is extremely useful in combintion with his rather high base attack time, not to mention he doesn't have to walk from camp to camp (jungle) because he can blink. Battlefury also gives AM much needed Regen (especially mana) whcih allowes him to spam blink in order to farm more effectively.

                              In the end, midas is a no go on AM, AM is not a lategame carry, which many people believe. He is a midgame flashfarm carry, much like alchemist, meepo and such. He is also very situational, he should only be used if you should face people with a big manapool otherwise there are better heroes.


                                No and I would expect a 5k player to know that.

                                Hand of midas = delay in getting battlefury

                                delay in getting battle fury = loss of gold

                                Battlefury is considered a snowball farming item.

                                Epic Sax Guy

                                  With AM's high AS a BF will pay for itself way way faster. It takes 16m40s for a Midasto pay for itself, the calculation is far trickier for a BF but there's no doubt the 35% cleave in conjunction with the other bonuses that the Bf is far more cost effective.

                                  And this is only taking the farming in account, a Midas bring very little to the table in a fight unlike a BF which definitely raises an AM's dmg output considerably.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    You can go Midas if you don't wanna get BF (early pressure) but still wanna be able to get some consistent farm.

                                    Unity Chan

                                      ye getting midas will delay bf but i think it would b good if u can get it at 4mins mark or 6mins if not then ill just normally go bf str8 delaying it by that much wont hurt just my opinion


                                        Kky just showed us that Mjollnir, best farming tool for Anti XD

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          antimage mask of madness is de best such fast farm omg, mask mjolnir butterfly eblade, ezy game try it its best


                                            if u think ur team cant handle 4v5 just go yasha vlad instead of bf


                                              I think the only time worth getting a midas is after a battlefury and you are also stomping the other team.


                                                the justification is primarily in that if you're guaranteed some level of farm (i.e. you're ahead) midas is fine because you end up getting battlefury+manta at a similar point in time

                                                if you're behind then obviously that changes


                                                  if you're ahead and have space to farm you can finish treads>bfury>yasha>vlads>manta by 20 minutes

                                                  with space to farm you will be six-slotted by 30 and that midas is just wasting a slot, hell i would rather invest that amount of gold into a Vlads, which boosts your GPM by more and contributes more to fighting as well.

                                                  midas only slows down your item progression actually, people forget that the most efficient creep XP wise to use it on is also often the LEAST efficient gold-wise since you don't get the creep bounty... i can see it doing work in a non-fury build, for instance it might even work on kuroky's mael build but definitely not for fury....

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