General Discussion

General DiscussionStraight Throne or Mega Creeps?

Straight Throne or Mega Creeps? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What are your thoughts on this, do you usually go straight or focus on mega?

    I think it's more safe to go mega than to go straight throne.


      no one focuses throne so the risk is too high.


        it varies based on lineup and team. if people refuse to coordinate you gotta get megas. if you gotta focus the throne to win because its your only chance, do it. flame as needed

        bum farto

          it takes about 45 seconds - 1 minute to get the throne keeping in mind existing towers and fortify if they are respawning shortly its a lot safer just mega them then go on the throne after the creeps have worn them down.


            Sometimes u can't go mega (tier 2 towers remaning) & u know that u might now have chance again to finish (fighting vs ultra farmed carry, who was solo picked off & because of it u could go for rax).

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              its like throne doesn't exist.
              after t4 people just buy 5 dagons and go die in fountain.
              rax a lot safer.


                If there's a furion/lycan/terrorblade in your base, you either go for throne, either go defend. If all enemy team is in their fountain, it's safe to take rax. You get higher gpm, tower damage & stuff.


                  Depends on the situation but 90% of the time megas first. If you are behind in raxes and time is available you can go for the throne.


                    Depends.If team wipe the throne else go for rax


                      17035 EHP for throne + 2 T4 towers.
                      8770 for barracks + 1 T3 tower.
                      So it will actually take less time to go for the throne once you destroy one lane. There are other factors, though. Small building that distract creeps possess 800 EHP each so if you want damage from creeps you have to destroy them(4 of them), but if you go for other lanes, most likely you won't have allied creeps there either.
                      Buy-backs are MORE likely going to happen if you go for the throne. If you know you won't manage to do it until your enemies respawn and you have to get back when they do it's better to have one more lane without rax than just exposed throne(most likely).

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                        better straight throne
                        before they're respawn and counter push :(

                        Bad Intentions

                          ^actually thats where a lot of fumbles happen :D

                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                            rax > throne until v late.
                            normally you wont be able to throne within 1 respawn timer

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                            Dire Wolf

                              It just depends on if enemy team can D or not. If they can go the safer route and rax, watch for buybacks.


                                Depends alot on situations


                                  It depends on the situation if you and your team can straight mid then can wipe out enemy. you can go straight throne.


                                    disgusting morons how can u even argue about going mega or trone?
                                    it depends on what fuckin situation ? if can you trone you fuckin hit trone.

                                    no wonder im alwayts alone hitin it and they ally realise we could have trone AGAGA. primates

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                                    Moja Moja

                                      There are very few situations where you'll want to go straight for the throne.


                                        yeah the one where u wanna go to result board.

                                        Moja Moja

                                          Most of the time, the teams rushing the throne always gets wiped trying so hard to finish the game when clearly they can't.

                                          ♿Sister Fister

                                            I always go for the throne and yell my lungs out at the team to do the same, apparently idiots don't understand the meaning of ac and desolator.




                                                I just go back to jungling, usually enemy base is a dangerous place I would avoid it at all costs. Push little by little


                                                  ^I agree, chip damage is the way to go.