General Discussion

General DiscussionHilarious Support Players in Pubs

Hilarious Support Players in Pubs in General Discussion

    Match 1034553622

    step 1 Guy says he is going to support

    step 2 Picks Sven

    step 3 Buys Midas instead of wards

    step 4 Buys MOM before of BKB


    Pro Supporter... He actually thought he is doing a job as support


      Wait, that's not how your supposed to support???

        Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

          I was way more pissed at a carry Sven who decided not to put any point in his Cleave until he was level 18 .-.


            I went support wk and had more hero damage than my carry! xD


              Best part is this guy volunteered to support, before picks he called position 5. Its like if you dont want to support thats cool bro pick something else man no one forcing you to support hahaha

              He finally purchased a ward and place it on dire past Roshan so we had 0 sight of our forest. Which is where I was getting gang banged and dove on over and over.

              Polkadot Piranha

                I once had a guy call "support", pick Treant Protector, then buy a Quelling Blade, then he went into lane and competed for the last hits, and then he went Battlefury.