General Discussion

General DiscussionBenao I love you, why delete?

Benao I love you, why delete? in General Discussion

    Someone halp, my favourite streamer and player deleted me on steam cus I said that when first ranked started I had more mmr than him.

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      this is actually fantastic :laugh:

      I don't know what's more fun:
      You pointing out you had more mmr than him way over a year ago, or that he deleted you.

      I guess the first, as that is nonsense. H-hehe. And so goes the days! :)

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      Ples Mercy

        He is kinda butthurt because of his 4,6k mmr.

        also you cannot calibrate oer 4,6k mmr hence you are wrong. You cannot possibly calibrate higher than benaos mmr.

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          Nah guys, I just wanna know why he deleted me I kinda like him still.

          Ples Mercy

            As i said, because he is butthurt about his 4.6k mmr. It makes him really mad, he's like a kid that begins to shout random stuff at his parents when he doesn't get what he wants.

            There really isn't much more to it.


              Benao has actually 4675 sad that he lost fast 5k again. :(

              Ples Mercy

                Well yeah, that's what i said?

                He always will lose 5k fast because he is a 4k player. The only times he got to 5k was because of sheer luck, hence he dropped very fast for a reason. He get's rather bad items and so on, he fails to realize that he sucks sometimes, much like you. You guys are both cockblocking yourself with your own big egos.

                I have a huge ass ego but don't block myself with it.


                  I actually can`t get 5k cus I get mad at game, I m changing it. Its not about skill is more about being not mad and pick well and not instant pick what I was doing all the time. Maybe I ll get 5k one day maybe not.. I m 4500-4600 atm.


                    Will try with picking Necro in the next few days, its kinda strong


                      got 7 games low prio tho, first


                        what is benao stream?

                        i remember you guys had a 'race to 5k' and i guess havoc won. i guess you guys are still racing huh.


                          ^ Benao stream:

                          Nah Havoc never had 5k solo mmr either me (4960 or smth best ever) I think C9.dd.様 won or Benao can`t remember who was first.

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                            Yeah the highest I have had is about 4970 and I am at about 47-4800 and rarely solo, just got benao in a game actually. I think a lot of games him and you (bogi) can win but you have tempers and they get the better of you sometimes :/

                            I was racing with a friend of mine from Spain in that one, he got a lucky streak and I was at 4900 at that time and stopped solo queuing cause that was the point of the race to force me to solo.

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                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              I have no respect for those kind of ppl.


                                ^ Yeah but I m definetly stop being mad at game and I will in future only play relaxed even if I m losing. If I can`t discipline myself in these games I ll just rage quit and take a chill. Video games not worth to get mad at.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  I'm climbing mmr like a champ boys

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    that guiri fgt won the race as far as i know.

                                    also No, you simply lose because you really do stupid shit. You die before you are mad and get mad because you refuse to accept that you died because of a mistake you did yourself.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      bogi, not u being mad. but unfriending cuz jelly.


                                        I think a lot of what "Dream Came True" is saying is right, however he's saying it in a straight-forward manner that may be figured as very offensive and attacking, much like how I state things towards people.

                                        You'll all need to figure out your own problems, and you'll eventually climb.

                                        I wasn't a part of that climb thingy, however I was featured in the thread as I got matched against & with Guiri during his climb.
                                        Currently I'm hanging between 5100-5300, which I'm not really satified with.

                                        When I get in Top games with the very best, I often get inefficient with timings, especially if playing support (which I can only playing while playing with the best players).

                                        You might think you're good, but when you get matched against way better players (like 800+ more etc.) you can easily find yourself trouble being efficient cause enemy is so much more efficient. However, this might be a team-case, lineup thingy etc. whereas I've been unlucky in those games.

                                        Most reminding game was when I played against W33 (Who respectively outplayed me in a skirmish. I jumped upon him with Storm (he was Earthshaker) and after I jumped in, I did a stutter jump/short jump further so I could dodge his echoslam, but he apparently out-minded me and didnt echo, and thus managed to smash me down with his maxed out Totem and Echo.))

                                        However it was a fun game, as he was very out-going. I remember all those times we stood under the moonlight canceling ability animations towards eachother when it was only me and him left in the darkness.

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