General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help this 2.6k scrub!

Please help this 2.6k scrub! in General Discussion

    Honestly I think my skill level is around 3k but I don't have all the time in the world to get my mmr up.

    If someone could help me get better it would be much appreciated. Like a lot.


      So as far as i understood, u need time?

      Linda | DotaExchange

        ^ he needs you.

        Fyyq is love, fyyq is life


          or u need someone to play with ur acc?


            I would rather have sexual intercourse with a 47 year old black dude who contracted aids from small chinease child than get cancer in normal skill bracket lololololololol

            Linda | DotaExchange

              Damn, so much wong with that replay.


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                I was asking for someone to teach me to get better ;~;

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                  ah so you think you're 3k hmmm...


                    I think I'm around 3k when I'm on my game


                      Ah!" so you're think you're 3k when you're in "your game" hmmm...




                          go to console and type in "dota_tutorial_start lasthit" --> try to get over 80% on your core heroes. This is very helpful and the bots even try to go for the fake deny which is uncommon in 3.8.

                          other than that, just watch good players (pro player, known person, first page) who play your hero and see how they play.

                          watching your own replay is probably the most helpful thing!


                            Thank you sir


                              If you were 3k you would climb there in no time.

                              Low Expectations

                                3k masterrace


                                  focus on improving at one skill at a time

                                  my recommendation would be use the minimap as much as possible, its super under utilized at that level and can allow you to set up ganks and avoid ganks really well.


                                    I could believe you belong 400 mmr higher then where you are now, you have a 55% win rate this month. just play a lot of games, and you will get there, if you want to get there faster spam heroes you have a high win rate with zeus, abaddon, and cm might be smart for you. also don't pick pudge, wind ginger or rubick in ranked your win rates on them are all trash and the fact that you keep picking them is likely holding your rank down.


                                      pick sniper you will get where you want lol

                                      SWAG DRAGON

                                        everytime you lose it's your own fault.
                                        rewatch your games and ull see "wtf why didn't i start farming? why didn't ii stack the ancients? why wasn't i with the team, why didn't I use wand? why did i bkb so early?"

                                        when you watch 6-7k games u rarely see any of the above mistakes.

                                        fix all ur problems then you'll probably become a 5ker in no time unless u have super autism.
                                        I'm too old to keep up at 5-6k solo...and AU doesn't even count so im probably 3-4 k euro


                                          Dije - not everytime. There are unwinnable games even in low brackets, where even Dendi would lose, but yeah in general under 3k if someone is really good, he should win 95%+ of games.

                                          OP - I also started at 2.6k. To climb it helped me to pick high impact mid hero (like TA) & just farm well. I'm currently 3.6k, both party & solo.

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                                            imprecis, no there aren't unwinnable games where dendi would lose. There are unwinnable games above 4k trench just because enemies start to realise 5-man doto is a way to win when you're so ahead sometimes. But 3k? Nope. Nope. Nope.


                                              i remember when i was 2.4k and wanted to reach 3k.
                                              then i played slark.


                                                slim, it doesn't matter what you play. Two weeks ago or something I was @ lan party and I sat at my friends pc for 8 games on his 3k account. Roflstomped every single game as a random hero and I was deprived of sleep and not on my setup and etc.
                                                What I mean by that is picks don't matter this deep in the trench. "Gitgud" is what matters the most


                                                  ^yeah this is very true, but it would be easier for him to win with slark than let's say visage or enchantress.
                                                  and in 3k mmr every game is winnable, when i stack with my 2k-3k mmr friends in ranked, and we are losing like 15 - 0 at min 15,
                                                  i still carry those games.

                                                  a few tips for 2k, learn to lasthit cuz you think you can, but you actually can't.
                                                  learn to control your hero, yesterday i played mid vs a 3k mmr guy 1x1 sf, ofc i won ez but he was actually very good at last hit (for 3k), but he couldn't control his hero well enough, didn't know when to back off and when to go aggressive, missed 80% of his razes on me while i got all my razes on him that game.
                                                  this is really important actually, be aware of your hero, and also be aware of where the enemy can/could be.
                                                  gl with 3k.


                                                    Slim - question is what hero & lane would play Dendi. Give him TA mid & of course, he would win every game. Give him safe lane carry with 1 support vs gay lane like Viper/Axe+1 & let him play PA/Spectre. I doubt he would win if all the lanes were stomped, he has no wards & they dive him under tower. I have a friend with 5.5k mmr, he tried to play at 3k & lost some of the games. Swiftending (7k) when doing his experiment also lost some games before hitting 4k mmr. There are unwinnable games, deal with it. They're pretty rare, but it happens.

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                                                      They aren't unwinnable. Swiftening didn't lose a game sub4k in his experiment and he started losing afterwards.
                                                      And who cares if a 3k player has viper when dendi is a pa. He would outplay them so hard they wouldn't even know what him them.


                                                        when i was 3k mmr (not that long ago) i played 5 carry vs a good lineup and we stomped, we played 5 int heroes against a great lineup and we stomped, every game IS winnable, it becomes unwinnable when your mid died 3 times and you start flaming him for sucking dick, when all your support does is leech xp and watches you getting harassed and you start calling him a shit support and he buys basher, then it becomes unwinnable, do you get the point im trying to make here?
                                                        and yeah maybe dendi could lose 1/20 games in 3k when his team goes 0 - 10 on all lanes but he wills till manage to find farm and get a decent score, he will not feed alongside his teammates.

                                                        @Jar yeah also this.

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                                                          actually who the fuck compares dendi to 3k players man


                                                            its like saying lebron james will not win basketball against your highschool friends with other scholars in his team.


                                                              From juice's post - "The road from 3506 to 4017 took 27 games, (24-3, 89% win rate)."

                                                              Example of the game which was unwinnable :

                                                              I was PA with Lion vs aggro tri (techies+axe+tusk). They dived me under tower with snowball+call+suicide. We had no wards & it was not safe to even go into jungle, because of mines. My SF went blink first without boots & tried to gank my safe lane, dying 2 times there instead farming mid...Enigma coudn't even get 14min Mek, he probably jungled first time with him. The most important thing is horrible draft (too greedy), that lost the game. Whole game was during PA's event, so I was fucked really hard from the beginning. I've showed that replay to my 5.5k friend (he is pretty well-known in Dota community) & he said that I coudn't do much more in this game. This is a pretty rare case, but games like this happen & u need to be deluded to think that every game is winnable.


                                                                when i looked at enemy cancer lineup i wanted to say gg.
                                                                but we won, even tho i was solo safe vs silencer (you know how that went right?), viper owning our mid and lina with killing spree on our hardline @ min 10, doom ez midas ez fast agha.
                                                                they could just use silence, doom me or idk blood, razor ulti, viper ulti, lina ulti, ezzzzzzz game right?

                                                                forgot to add, razor aghs, and silencer aghs.

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                                                                  How can u even compare those 2 games ? You could have farmed jungle. I had 0 (ZERO) safe place to farm, because of techies (most players underestimate how powerful is his zoning, when u're playing from behind). Also lvl 6 jugger is more powerful than PA, because he has strong nuke & ulti. Your Pudge could pressure enemies, giving u space. I had ZERO SPACE, because of greedy picks with no early game impact (SF blink, midas Doom, Enigma failed in jungle). I'm seriously the last person who whines about team & how good I'm & deserve 6k mmr. I'm just not deluded that there are games which are unwinnable, even in lower bracket. 7k MMR Swiftending lost 3 games before hitting 4k, according to some stupid posts here he should have won 100% games until 4k. When u lose below 4k in general it's ur own fault, but there are some exceptions & saying Dendi woudn't never lose in 3k is just pure bullshit.

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                                                                    also look, we were losing 0 - 11 very early, we had no t2 towers at like min 20, our mid rax fell shortly after that,
                                                                    mid=feed, jakiro = wanted mid to go fast mek and dagon, didn't let him but he still fed, my friends doom and lich feeding and being generally useless (doom afk farm, lich leeching xp and feeding casually), yet somehow we won cuz we outplayed the enemy,
                                                                    even with 2 rax down.
                                                                    (game was 3kish) my party 4400 + 2800+3100 friends and enemy all ~3800.

                                                                    my lane got wrecked, i was 0 - 4 midas+ boot tony at min 15, and i couldn't farm anywhere because my wood was warded,
                                                                    and lc dagger + invoker combo killed me like 3 or 4 times while i was trying to farm wood.
                                                                    my friend dewarded, got owned and dewarded his wards, so our map was black and wards out of stock.

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                                                                      slim - playing as party is quite diffrent than playing with 4 random people. I said to Lion - go offlane with Doom, u're not helping me here. Do u think he listened to me ? Do u think he bought sentries when I said to him ? I was getting like 3lh/min on safe lane & u think I should have bought sentries & waste even more time placing them in our jungle ?
                                                                      No need to post me links like this, I also won many really hard games, which seemed lost.

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                                                                        ^that game i showed you, was an example of bad teammates, (all 1k+ or more below me), and me capitalizing on enemy mistakes.
                                                                        it didn't matter if lich bought wards, or bought dagons, or bought 5 boots, he didn't do much all that game.
                                                                        i am just trying to say that you can win any game with any deficit of xp/gold.
                                                                        i remember a game of mine with doom i think, where at min 18 we lost top raxand enemy slark got a rampage in our fountain.
                                                                        u know what, we won that game.


                                                                          so i guess you get the point, any game that seems lost is winnable, maybe beyond godlike slark will dive fountain and give you his streak, maybe enemy void will decide to go dagons instead of carry items, maybe you catch them off guard at rosh and wipe them and get aegis and end game.
                                                                          also check this funny game out
                                                                          30k xp deficit ez katka, and look at items lol.


                                                                            also im kinda tired of spamming games and writing, i feel like this is our blog, lmao.
                                                                            ill go eat gyros.


                                                                              Slim - I agree with that kind of attitude (never give up, always try to win), we both here agree I think. I'm just talking about sth diffrent. It's a nice attitude to think u're 100% responsible for ur life & results, but in real life u will probably die & get older, even though u have super positive attitude & u take responsibility for ur life. You can improve, look for mistakes, but sometimes there is a game/event in life when ur impact doesn't matter.


                                                                                you can do every thing you set your mind to, man.

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                                                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                  Violet, you just said gyros. FYYQ inc


                                                                                    i summon FYYQ, need much beard in this thread!!


                                                                                      omg who called me? GYROS MASTERRACE

                                                                                      fucking college chicks want my beard so bad...

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                      Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                        Ye, keep giving me complexes about beard. Here, facebook, ig, what next, youtube? :'(



                                                                                          Bad bitches is the only thing that i like <3