General Discussion

General Discussionas I can have a high mmr with a new account?

as I can have a high mmr with a new account? in General Discussion

    I want to create a new account because I think that I have the mmr is incorrect .. need help please




        I bet trolls will eat u alive=)))


          have you tried zeus? i heard he "corrects" mmr.


              Normal skill after 15 games? yes ur mmr now will be 2k

              a little bit more than ur main


                obvious troll not even worth using capital letters and punctuation

                Jay Ashborne

                  "have you tried zeus? i heard he "corrects" mmr."

                  I believe that got fixed or nerfed in some way. I heard you cant calibrate above 4500 since. Could be wrong, this is just hear-say.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    It's still more "accurate" then 2k.


                      Yes it got fixed, thats not why i said that.


                        As of mmr give me if I play only with support heroes ? D:




                            i think so too. you should be 1k, not 2k. will fix asap

                            Jay Ashborne

                              My bad Xan, I misunderstood.

                              You can still acquire Xmmr (X being the limit of the new calibration system) with supports. The forumla is just now changed so it's harder. To my knowledge, it involves some combanation of GMP/XPM/Towerdamage/herodamage blah blah. Keep all those numbers high with a solid kda and you can hit whatever the cap is Im sure. However it's harder to hit these caps with supports because they are roles that will require less farm and shouldnt be farming.

                              In short, yes it's possible, but cores on average get higher calibration mmr.

                              This is more of a wave topic, I read like a single post about it, I'm sure he could throw more depth into this.


                                theres not many statistics that do an adequate job of awarding support players other than w/l, and, in some rare cases, kda. valve cant watch your game so the calibration is based off of some sort of stats, but what stats do supports really excel in?

                                Jay Ashborne

                                  Kda should be high if you know what you're doing and play cautious not yolo. GPM/XPM not so much, tower and hero damage? sure, jakiro and WD. Just position well. It is easily possible to calibrate 4k with 8/10 losses on your 10 calibration games.

                                  Keep your hidden mmr high until level 13 (unranked mmr) then just play like teamfight ult supports, or supports that rack up easy assists or tower damage. EZ 4k support account confirmed.


                                    theres really no way to calibrate higher than 4k on support

                                    i calibrated to 4.9 on a core mid/safelane/impact jungle account, i havent tried support but the problems pretty obvious: getting high kda is a lot harder than it is on core, and even if you get high kda, its not the only factor in calibration

                                    if you know what you're doing you are bound to achieve but better results on cores as opposed to supports kda-wise. is it impossible, no, but its much harder than it is on core (at least the pub-style cores, not omni and stuff like that) - you dont have the luxury of defensive items, supports are typically fragile and stuff.

                                    the best support from my experience is ogre, pubs have no positioning understanding and ogre is probably the hardest support to punish for positioning, he scales great, is really easy to understand and fits the pub style in general. you're not only a dedicated support but you've also got much better understanding of positioning and stuff. ive seen support only players who are never active in fights or the ones who go 3-15 on ogre, those more than ones who understand their hero.

                                    but thats just me i guess

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      In old formula I calibrated a few solo support accounts, one was WD, the other SK. 4078 and 4152 respectively. (All support through 0-13 and 10 calibration games). Shit has most likely changed however.


                                        off topic....i played 8 match already...but at 4 match in dotabuff, i got very high skill stat....that was that mean??

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          3750+ unranked mmr