General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you people stand solo queue?

How do you people stand solo queue? in General Discussion
bum farto

    I have been trying solo queuing after a long break for about a day now and I am losing my mind at the lack of skill, coordination or just basic common sense? What has happened to this game!


      idk...i get cancer every day playing solo queue... i think i might be immune

      bum farto

        I think I am just not used to dealing with it so much cause i never solo. Like I am there playing properly buying wards helping people farm, ganking etc. but it is worthless cause someone on your team is either feeding on purpose or gets upset cause someone took a single creep from his lane and he will start to buy couriers and as a support there is nothing you can do to keep it together.

        ....then you get blamed, and flamed, and pissed, and the cycle continues game after game. God damn solo queue is garbage.

        Jay Ashborne

          I don't. Ez.


            At this point, I think most decent players are busier betting stuff for The Summit rather than actually playing or are in the middle of evaluations (those who study).

            But don't get your hopes up high, it isn't noticeably better at normal times.


              It's kind of random.

              Some days, you get fantastic games nevertheless if you lose or not, they're enjoyable because people communicate and doesn't do bullshit like feeding courieres going afk.

              And other days you just get pure bullshit ever game.

              I have a tip for you:

              Play Jakiro, 5 games in a row.
              Tell your team you can solo support.

              Buy Wards, Sentries, Courier and a set of Tango.
              Give your mid two tangoes, then procceed to go to your safelane.

              Just spam pulls (obviously not single pulling.) Eventually kill enemy offlaner with Q + E combo with your Weaver that utterly rape them with the slow your Q gives.

              Actually have 100% winrate doing this, and end up with Euls around 14-16min.


                ^Only done it 4 times, but whatever. I'm not a Jakiro player, but the hero is pretty uaskdk.


                  Emm...Just keep ur mind cold and be patient=) Watch ur own mistakes and dont blame others) Thats the point. Some games u cant influence, but most of all games depends on ur play)


                    My experience lately is that do not play ranked solo mm after 11 pm. Usually I win alot games and get `fine` games in the day compared to the ones 11pm + games which are just impossible I don`t know whats happening probably people just too sleepy,drunk or on drogs but you can`t win at 11pm- 8 am games at Eu its just hilarious what people doing.


                      Do you get paired with better people based on how people rate you after games or based on commends?
                      I rarely get intentional feeders/muted people. Most people use mics and are somewhat cooperative, but their skill level is low.

                      Jay Ashborne

                        I've heard muting gives you a lesser chance of being paired, same for "rating" etc. No clue if it's true or not. Would love a conformation.


                          you need to be able to develop an anti-cancer mental shield... if you don't manage to do it then don't even bother to play solo


                            Or you could spam Ogre Magi and assume it's personality.


                              What keeps surprising me is that everyone in solo queue thinks that the team can read their mind.

                              Jay Ashborne
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                                  play jakiro and ignore your team. take towers win game
                                  sample size of 2, 100% winrate :)

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                                    I'm the happiest DOTA player in the world, because I almost always get polite and skillful teammates. They forgive my mistakes and carry me up.


                                      [about reading minds] theres enough information to actually find the optimal course of things! ifhe's trash he wont and game will be hard. Though i have to adapt that mmr equivalent of "optimal ourse of action" everytime i go ~100mmr up/down.

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                                        I don't need my team to read my mind, I just need them to not give up and feed couriers 10 mins into the game.
                                        Well, that hasn't happened to me yet, but I know this happens and I know people who had to experience that.

                                        Also, wtf Melody-dude.

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          @ Soultrap,

                                          manabattery, shh.


                                          yeah is kind of messed up. ._.


                                            Recently, I start every match with words: "hi, I like to play support",- and pick Omniknight.

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              In all honesty I say the exact same thing except I add please.

                                              "Hi, I would like to play support please! Thank you!"
                                              "I will purchase Obs/Courier etc"


                                                It gives more motivation than: "mid or feed".

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  Morale and attitude contribute more to how the game plays out, than individual player skill imho.


                                                    everytime i wanna solo q i just close dota and go play warframe which is a complete waste of time but at least my mind stays peacefully calm.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      +100500 morale.

                                                      Low Expectations

                                                        I dont think most ppl study I got all my exams in end of january. People are just assholes


                                                          Experiencing good games in solo queue is abysmal.



                                                            thanks for the advice! just tried it and it works!



                                                              rofl that was actually quite funny

                                                              but jakiro op as fuck, it's not about my success or anything, but that I think Havoc can suffer well doing this.
                                                              gotto believe in himself, but hell fuck yeh


                                                                I ran into a small win streak and just look at what had to happen to put and end to it.
                                                                Both losses actually. Valve just puts a wall thats impossible to climb sometimes.


                                                                  You know how you don't lose solo queue? you don't play them. Honestly If someone had bad solo but good party I would assume they are good players so solo doesn't mean much.
                                                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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                                                                    It's amazing. Aparently, when Havoc starts to cry you all support his statements.

                                                                    Now, ask yourself a simple question.

                                                                    If 2k player posted this shit, what would you say to him?

                                                                    It seems Havoc is doing great but teammates is holding him down? Woo~ho! Really?

                                                                    I'd say this. Want better raiting? Get better. It's not about that? Stop ranked then.

                                                                    Can't handle solo? Don' play it. Simple as that.

                                                                    I got over my sub 4k~high 3k mmr, and told myself I need to get better in order to have higher results.

                                                                    But rly! Het over yourself. You're not fucking special snowflake.

                                                                    Deal with it. You are not as good as you think, or you are doing something wrong.

                                                                    Stop fucking crying. Been playing with you, and you oftent cry.

                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                      I've been successful with raptor lately for some odd reason. (1k confirmed) It's easy to punish snowball mids, the ever popular PA, heroes that need an initiation item, like force or blink. Good against the majority of popular offlaners as well.

                                                                      He's just kind of level dependent, but then again in this patch, few things are not. Unno why he's not drafted more (bcheneedslvlsanddoesnthaveastunanddoesntfitwellintotheheavymidgamemetazzzzzz)


                                                                        @Shred you to bits
                                                                        Couldn't agree with a statement any more really.

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          Yeah, shred summed up what Forums/Waga/I have been preaching for years.


                                                                            People are so delusional. Hell, I'm to sometimes.

                                                                            Lucky for me, I'm aware of that and at least, I don't bother others searching for my e~buddy friends to boost my moral and thrashtalk just because I can't get over myself.

                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              The majority of players arent that lucky.


                                                                                Too bad for them.

                                                                                Mr Mental

                                                                                  I play solo all the time, and everyday, a little bit of me die inside for every match i lost.

                                                                                  Midi Prill

                                                                                    support is for f*gs


                                                                                      ^say it once more time after u saw Soultrap guy and melody guy win-streak. they play support


                                                                                        support is for f*gs

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                                          @Wassup' nigga!?
                                                                                          My streak is trash. Please don't use me as an example for anything to do with this game. I am so, so terrible at dota.


                                                                                            Watch my win-streak first, my leopard shorts - second.

                                                                                            bum farto

                                                                                              See the difference between me and you @shred you to bits is that you and other will complain about bad players in high, and normal games. This is higher 4800 and now dropped to 4600 where you would still hope that people are able to perform at the level their rating says their at.

                                                                                              When people whine about 2300 rated players claiming that is whats holding them back then that's just bullshit cause you're equally garbage as well. I usually hang around 4800 and play like a 4800 player however most of the people in my team do not, the purpose of this post was more a statement really of how people manage to solo queue at all as the quality of gaming is extremely low, lower even then I remember.

                                                                                              You have on multiple occasions tried to direct your little comments towards me claiming I had a temper and then what you posted above. The truth of the matter is you're a salty 2k crybaby who couldn't accept that I told you that your shadow fiend was what was holding you back because despite what you thought you couldn't actually play it well.

                                                                                              Am I really to blame for my games? Maybe some where I could do better but the difference is I am easily able to spot this and people who know me know full well I give my 100% to every game I play so I highly doubt I am to blame for very many of my solo queue games.


                                                                                                Here's my opinion (I've played with you a number of times so I hope my opinion is at least of some value):

                                                                                                Solo queue is really not bad if u learn how to deal with annoying teammates. Mute them and carry them. Outfarm the other team. Don't trust anyone other than yourself (I know that sounds narcissistic but it's true).

                                                                                                I went from 4950 to 5187 with no losses till today (I got 1 loss today and I'm 90% sure one of my players bought or boosted his account cuz he was absolute garbage from failing his solo mid block to missing almost every pudge hook).

                                                                                                I'm pretty sure I can keep climbing. Games are, contrary to what you might expect, actually quite easy despite 5.2k being higher than 4.8/4.9.

                                                                                                Part of you being frustrated is...let's face it, you think you deserve to play at a higher level because "my teammates suck and I can't possibly be at their same skill level." And I don't necessarily disagree with that sentiment, because a fuck ton of people feel that way as well. I know you talk about quality of teammates/flaming/griefing in your opening post but almost everyone who has something to complain about tends to...beat around the bush. Is your axe capable of playing at the 5k level? Sure, but maybe you're not winning games due to some subtleties/mistakes that you're not picking up on and instead you blame teammates for terrible attitude/etc.

                                                                                                So here's the thing: my advice is to sell out your soul, pick 1-2 heroes you know are strong in pubs, and play them over and over. Watch videos/streams of high rated players. It's a formula that's been proven time and time to work again with many successful accounts provided on this forum.

                                                                                                If you don't want to stomach this/find it intolerable then don't play solo. Nobody cares about your solo MMR but yourself.

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                                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                                    Soloq life is ez pz... Just say you are going to feed to win game


                                                                                                      I think about ~15% of games are truly unwinnable no matter how good you are. Beyond that you should ask yourself whether or not you're picking suboptimal heroes or not actually playing as well as you think you are.

                                                                                                      Beesa posted on liquid forums a while back "if you can't 1v5 despite having lots of feeders and retards then you don't deserve to climb." Solo queue is literally about being able to 1v5 in those circumstances - is your team retarded and decided to suicide into a teamfight you knew you couldn't win? Well instead of following them in (which makes you as bad as them even if you realized it was a bad decision) you go split push instead.

                                                                                                      I suspect part of the reason you're not winning is that you try to play super aggressively with axe but your team isn't following you in. In that case you should re-evaluate your own decisions and take into account their incompetence instead of trying to change your teammates' playstyles (it won't work, trust me)

                                                                                                      Havoc I can give tips all day but you'll have to convince yourself first that the reason you're not climbing is for factors that are well within your own control, not because there's someone griefing/raging every other game.

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                                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                                        @Flash The issue with that is people generally pick 4 cores with 2 people arguing over mid, this is something that has bothered me over the past couple years is that I am genuinely not a mid player or even a carry (exception of a few) and will generally go offlane or support as it's what suits me best but it leaves me at the mercy of my core players.

                                                                                                        I don't really mind remaining near abouts where I am right now I just want people to perform to their bracket. Keep in mind that about 8 months ago 4800 rating was decent and you got good players and while there were still issues there were some good players and some really good games. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore though maybe I need to start picking carries more.

                                                                                                        @Mekarazium I haven't directly blamed anyone as in a lost game I am sure everyone is at fault though some more than others. I think the biggest issue is that people random and call lanes that are taken, fighting over lanes etc. recently that seems to have been my biggest issue. Again its not so much that the players are that bad as everyone has shitty streaks like I am now but it seems extra bad recently IMO.