General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I got an abandon..

So I got an abandon.. in General Discussion
Just Dickin' Around

    So I was playin some techies and doing fairly well as hero damage might imply. I was just goin about my business putting up some wards and of course, laying some mines. All of a sudden, "Techies has been assessed an abandon for inactivity. The game is now safe to leave"~ or whatever it says, that's close enough.

    Shortly afterwards I got a double kill (and I died). I don't know if anyone cares. Has this happened to you guys while playing techies? Obviously this is preventable by just making sure i go by a creep wave every so often, but it's still slightly annoying.


      yea.. LoL used mouse movements i think and tts much better

      आप गे क्यों

        if u are hiding in the neutrals/river, mining for over 5 mins and nothing happens...

        i am pretty sure, you are playing techies wrong


          An Abandon occurs when a player:

          -Disconnects for a total of 5 minutes.
          -Disconnect time is cumulative, meaning that a player who disconnects once for 2 minutes, reconnects, and disconnects again for 3 minutes, will be counted as an abandon.
          -Has not gained any experience for 5 minutes.
          -Leaves the game through the matchmaking menu.
          -Has not interacted with the game for 2 minutes.

          Just Dickin' Around

            I understand why it happened, I obtained no experience for 5 minutes.
            Post/mirco, watch the game. I did well that game, not saying that I'm a great techies player, but clearly I can play techies at my mmr (3910). Sometimes people just don't hit your mines. When you spend 2 minutes warding/counter warding and get unlucky for a bit of time, 5 minutes happens pretty quick. Looking at your games though you don't do much warding as techies so that's why you don't understand.