General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen you lose 3-4 games in a row not by your fault how you deal with it?

When you lose 3-4 games in a row not by your fault how you deal with it? in General Discussion

    I saw Waga lose like 5-6 in a row but still playing good every next game usually but this is my result I just get mad and lose like 300 mmr in few days gg wp

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      have u not playing when u get mad after ur first 2 losses

      just go do something else and play another day

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        I can`t stop when I get mad I just queueueue again to lose on purpose cus I m mad because of losing like 125 mmr not by my fault.


          its just discusting I ll stop solo queue and will just party fuck it


            Play pubs and rape some retards


              Lost 14 out of last 15 games :D:D:D:D


                LMAO bogi always has the biggest lose streaks


                  i went from 5187 down to 5065 and back up to 5135 after like 9 games today (and now i have a headache/am really tired)

                  but apparently that's nothing compared to u lol

                  i bet after ur 2nd loss u started tilting and playing like 10x worse in every subsequent game

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                    I will probably never get my 4700 back, I sit on 4400 mmr and have motivation to win any ranked solo game -10000. :D When I see what people doing at this 4300 I just wanna rage quit every single game.



                      Midi Prill

                        How the f*** do you win without spiderlings



                          Your team had the lead yet you barely scratched towers (548 TD)... perhaps it's time to start leveling spiderlings again huh Bogi


                            Also not having spiderlings early makes your GPM underwhelming


                              ^ That game I raped , we had Sf who went afk jungle after 0-4-1 and he also bought rapier and feed to the enemy plz don`t talk


                                look hero dmg better


                                  I can`t win a single game never been so unlucky in dota 2 really 15 lose 16 games

                                  Polkadot Piranha

                                    You know what the problem is (you rage), and you know what the solution is (not playing while mad). I think you need to work a bit on calming down/staying focused. If you really want to play(or can't help yourself), maybe exercise a bit before queuing for another game - light stretches or something a bit more intense - till you have calmed down/gotten focused.


                                      u lose cos u are dirty noob


                                        U can't win becouse Dota is your life. U can't win becouse some number is your life. Don't be upset, but you need to have a hard look at yourself.

                                        I can safely say that You:

                                        - Don't have a job
                                        - Don't have a close person/friends.

                                        Dude, you literaly spend 16 fuckin hours playing a video game. And you don't play it for pleasure, or to spend some free time. No, u play it becouse you think that a "5000" will somehow make u a better person, or somebody will give a fuck about your rating. Nobody gives a rats ass about your rating.

                                        Get out of the house, that's my advice.

                                        inb4 'nab ur low', I'm a 3500 shit lord. And I will, probably, get better (started at 2900), but Dota isn't my life, so no preasure.

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                                        Mr Mental

                                          I will tell you how to deal with it. First, you make a thread complaining about your shit teams...Oh wait...


                                            I stop playing Dota when I get a lose then play again the next day , I take loses even normal pubs heavily

                                            I would have killed myself if I were to lose 4-5 games in a row in a single day


                                              I have the exact same problem. (not currently though)

                                              2 things you can do:

                                              - Just play the game for fun (with a hero you like to play) and stop thinking about the win or loss
                                              - Stop playing the game for some hours and play something else


                                                Pick kotl, buy blink, blink on the cliff~rellocate. Repeat

                                                आप गे क्यों

                                                  grats bogi


                                                    about 2 hours ago

                                                    I would have killed myself if I were to lose 4-5 games in a row in a single day

                                                    TOP LEL

                                                    Epic Sax Guy

                                                      When you lose again immediately queue for another game and when you enter the new one you tell your team that you are sick of playing with retards and that if they are retards they should immediately quit. Then go ahead and pick Pudge and call mid.


                                                        Try unranked, less tryhard or play in a party. Heck if you get people who troll a lot in games at least you'll have a laugh.


                                                          yes losing 15/16 games on 4k is unluck

                                                          go out and find a 4-leaf clover


                                                            vermin_ And I can safely say that you don`t know me in real life so you can`t talk really about my life. I played 16 hours cus I worked for weekend and I had free time, outside was raining all day and I wen`t out just to buy something to eat. Reason was also I didn`t woke up on time for college. I have friends that you will probably never have in your life that kind of real friends. It`s very stupid to judge someone just because he played 16 hours video game in 1 day. And yes I played that much cus I was mad and wanted to lose more mmr before sleep.

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                                                                Pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume.


                                                                  I rage. Sometimes i spoil games.

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    You should change you name to:

                                                                    'Crying little 4k baby'

                                                                    Get good, problem solved.


                                                                      dota is a game of endurance - gotta play it out to the end. game is full of whiney little babies. You would be surprised how many times you win at the end because the other team gets frustrated they cannot finish the game and give up. People also tend to throw hard if they are winning or its a long game. People look to much at the scores rather then focusing on playing


                                                                        ^ thats true


                                                                          Wow Juice is back to dotabuff? The first thread he posts is a Bogi thread... what a good impression lmao

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Go catch up on tv. Seriously, dota isn't worth the frustration at times, do something else enjoyable.


                                                                              Frustration is not about giving up. When you're frustrated, youcan't give up.


                                                                                ay reflections i remember u we played a pub the other day :D im cent


                                                                                  I m rly trying but still can`t win when have this people ROFL


                                                                                    the more you lose the more frustrated you get, and every next game you will want to break your screen when you couldn't last hit a free creep. really best option is to take a break or play another game. i got cs go and now if i lose in dota a game i should have won i can just go and pwn some noobs in cs.
                                                                                    ez pz


                                                                                      This is my next game this is what I get: wish me luck hAHAHAHAH omfg

                                                                                      slim I was thinking to download Cs go as well but don`t have 10$ on steam ;s

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                                                                                        hahahah, good luck with this game :D


                                                                                          I was frustrated yesterday I m not today...but still can`t win just check my profile :DDDDDDDDDDDDD 4700-4200 mmr in few days ez


                                                                                            He didn`t picked meepo tho.. maybe some chance to win!

                                                                                            George The Zookeeper

                                                                                              soon we might play together tho 3.6k now :D


                                                                                                ^ I m coming soon there my record was 4026 mmr worst ever and 4976 best ever I will lose this game now also I guess its not possible to win volvo is trolling me I m soon 4100


                                                                                                  Ask this guy:

                                                                                                  lmao he's like mason 2.0, went from 6k+ to below 5k with a lot of lpq in between


                                                                                           I guess some members in Volvo just laughing so hard for fixing mm for me :D

                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      play more, will help.