General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Asassin 6.83(nerf or the same)

Phantom Asassin 6.83(nerf or the same) in General Discussion

    What do you guys think will happen to this hero? Ulti multiplier goes down(minor)? Also affects dagger crits

    Agi growth decrease?

    Or do you think she must stay the same?

    Saw many people on reddit and here in dotabuff complaining about the rng crits and evasions.

    Do you agree to nerf this hero or not?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      She is incredibly easy to counter, people are just lazy to do it because most of them are not really fun heroes to play (Doom, Lion, Shadow Shaman). I actually think she may get buffed, she isn't even good competitively.


        i think shes pretty much fine where shes at.. shes not stiflingly op, but she can be situationally very solid and can Lane the mid lane so her options are a little more open.

        Dire Wolf

          How does doom counter her? Doom (the ability) doesn't disable her passive dodge anymore.

          Anyway, she's not op, she just appears that way cus once she starts to snowball she can't be stopped. But if you don't finish a game early enough with her shit like this happens.

          Actually I'm not sure that's the match I'm thinking of without watching the replay, but PAs will often start huge like 6-0 and still lose games cus once you disable her evasion she's done and once her bkb wears off she's done. You can even counter her with items like scythe of vyse. I mean scythe is great vs many heroes but especially against PA.

          For example let's compare her to two other melee agi carries who are pretty popular in void, juggernaut and spectre. Void has chrono so his late game will always be better just cus it locks down so hard and voids spell dodge is superior to PA's dodge. You hex him and if he doesn't die during it he's still getting ult off. Jug can go completely invulnerable during his ult and do massive dmg before getting locked down. You won't nullify him with one hex usually. Spec doesn't care if she gets disabled cus all she wants to do is get haunt off with a diffusal or radiance and do massive team dmg. Then she tanks, reflecting dmg. PA is definitely the worst late game of all four of those and easiest to stop.

          I actually think she's a lot like anti mage or a melee version of queen of pain in her window. For example anti mage farms up quick battlefury and the a few items and has an advantage over other team. His window of effectiveness is basically 30-40 mins and then he falls off massively as other carries finish bkbs and other items. PA is similar but instead of farming creeps she wants to farm heroes and start like 10-0 at 30 mins and cruise to a 40 min win.

          Qop works same way, really good early, really mobile, needs a 40 min game, only she does magic dmg not physical.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            So? You just get aghs then.


              just watched Gone Girl, super movie 9/10 i recommend


                Contract event over = less reasons to pick her
                and then Gabenfrog confirms that her hats are good so no more new PA cosmetics for a while
                eventually people pick her even less, she is back to what she was before - a situational carry

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                  Question how does Doom counter her?

                  Just play Doom Vs PA with ags, and tell us what you realised.


                    yeah doom aghs is great against any 1-core

                    and if uw ant to have fun against pa just pick axe