General Discussion

General DiscussionI am feeling very sad right now

I am feeling very sad right now in General Discussion
Mr Mental

    Spent so much time climbing out of 2k only to end up in 2k again...

    Miku Plays

      A good way to climb up out of 2k bracket is afk farming jungle for 20mins with a mix of pushing nearest lane... That is if you dont wanna improve.. Playing like that will put you in disadvantage in long run though.

      Mr Mental

        F*ck this 6 loss streak, people always feel the need to abandon.


          How can someone even play ranked all thie time? It's so fucking stressful for me especially carrying heavy brain dead retarded scumbag dumb bogans in ranked... Play some pubs and then go back to rank it's working for me and I'm increasing pretty good

          Edit: how can you not play razor? He's the best hero to increase your mmr... You get Lowr and lower cuz your hero pool sucks. You play too much of mix roles.. Stick to 1or2 hero with same role and improve on that. Oh yu play techs in ranked.

          Ok. -_____-

          Este comentario fue editado

            Stop playing Doom


              or if you are going to play doom, at least learn to fucking play him


                Yeah jungle Doom and complain about your Team loosing the laning stage.
                Don´t rush aghs on him.
                Don´t ward runespots with all T1 down, the enemy most likely won´t roam into your woods over the spots.
                Max your "Q" over "E" get more efficient in the jungle.
                Consider manaboots and Mek if your Team is loosing and can´t afford it.

                NextStep ®

                  Spent so much time but didn't use it wisely. lol

                  1k games and still on normal skill.
                  Dude, you're just a casual player. Don't fret too much over MMR.

                  If you really wanna improve, go watch some pro streaming and read guides to main a few heroes.
                  Don't pick retarded hero like techie and junglers which you gonna afk in the woods.

                  Please play smart.

                  Mr Mental

                    Its not jungle doom, its laning doom.


                      just relax, stop playing for the day, and queue again with a better mindset later. you're obviously capable of attaining a higher mmr given your past experience but you're tilting too hard from this loss streak

                      Mr Mental

                        My 8 loss streak has ended, i can sleep peacefully tonight now.

                        ham strokers ejacula

                          Lich, Ogre, Witch Doctor, Skywrath are the answer.