General Discussion

General DiscussionI'd like to see how better players handle low-tier games in order to ...

I'd like to see how better players handle low-tier games in order to learn something, so.. in General Discussion


    True. Some tips on how to learn to do that better would be nice.


      you dont need tips for that
      watch your own replay and think about how you could have been more efficient with your time
      and look at your bad lasthitting while youre at it
      not flaming, my lasthitting is shit aswell, something everyone can work on

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        Uplatis mi vreme.... +200 ez


          Odakle si ti jbt? :D

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            nemam komp gajbi, inače bih igrao za džabe. :D


              Uplatio bih ti brate da mogu, jedino ako ti treba kredit za telefon, da ti se tako oduzim...

              Taman bih naucio dosta od tebe. :)

              Znas i sam da smo igrali 1v1 mid, i otprilike znas kako igram, eto, barem ovde slobodno napisi, gde ja toliko gresim pa ne mogu preko 4k... :(

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Neću to, znaćeš mi broj onda i uhodićeš me. :-D
                Imam račun u banci, a igraonica me košta 400 kinti za deset sati. :-P

                *FarizTampan96 5th

                  respond to Abaddon AA Treant comment

                  Abaddon is hard to relly on , melee , useless ulti until aghs , useless skill 3 ofc if he play as suport , can die super easily
                  but if played well , it can be very strong suport , bring a couple of clarity at early game , around 3-4 , ur carry will be happy

                  AA , is good , counter meks , oracle , slark , any hero with lifesteal , buff magic damage in ur team
                  but Ogre / Jakiro is more realiable n more burst damage than AA
                  AA dont have reliable stun of course

                  Treant , umm , his shield can be easily countered by oov + urn / any dps like venom dps poison
                  skil 1 , ya counter it with sentry n dust
                  Leech Seed is amazing item especially with soul ring , buff 25 second aghs true sight is massive too
                  btw Treant is very effective against low mmr ish but vs high mmr
                  his ulti deal no damage without aghs, can be easily countered by dispell, such as eul/manta/bkb and enemy can still cast skill under the effect of ult

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  bum farto

                    Abadon, and treant are defensive supports that allow players to be more offensive. They require pin point precision, timing and and some foresight so are actually deceptively tough to get right, but are relatively easy to play. AA players generally tend to suck cause they farm midas, sceptre and shoot ults everywhere which is annoying but loses affect after sometime and players will just wait till it wears off.

                    I love Abadon and this he has massive potential, but I would start on another hero first.


                      Anything at that mmr works really. You're probably stuck there cause u don't know how to read the map, farm and have a general understanding of mechanics of the game.

                      That could actually be learned easily I think if u actually put in effort maybe just watch some sf replays of some pub stompers idk how are u stuck there to begin with