General Discussion

General Discussionteaching how to play cm's

teaching how to play cm's in General Discussion

    were 5 friends who want to play in the upcoming jdl season.

    but 3 of us arent that familiar with how they should act in cm's. i always point out the mistakes they do, but i feel that not enough to teach them how they should act or how they can improve.

    u guys have any tips or guide for playing cm?


      if you are new to CM, my suggestion would be to just go in with a game plan.

      JDL is an enormous league and it sound like you are going in at the bottom level. You wont be able to scout most of your opponents, and most wont be able to scout you.

      Have a specific plan for who plays what roles where with what heroes with a few alternate options based on pics. Ban heroes that you really don't want to face. Basically don't over-think it and do focus on yourself rather than your opponents. I mean it is great if you can counter pick a bit, but you should have a specific idea of the hero pools for each of your team mates and try to stick with it.

      If you need to ask what to do in CM, that is my advice.

      honestly though your record seems pretty good and you have a 5k team rating so... I don't get why you are wording your question in such a vague manner.

      As for "improvements... Watch your replays as a team and have the moments line up in advance." Treat it like watching game tape from a sport. You can't just say "bro you messed on when we tried to gank". You need to all sit down and visually see what went wrong, and look at the larger 5 man picture.

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        I was in jdl. We went up two division but forgot to register for season 4 in time. Starter division is full of gimmick strats. If you don't adapt to them you lose but if you know what they are up too it's easy to counter.


          its all about fighting the next fight when in bad positions and not losing lanes more than they should when its hard. You're fucked in lane butgame is static? get exp and don't feed. Annoy the enemies, create space. thats mostly the difference. Also have a plan in mind and try to executed like you imagined. its all about 5v5 game so make sure you have you teammates back whenever you can. Leave him to die if the risk is too high and you can afford it, etc.


            Do the team made up of dotabuff regulars compete in jdl? You might as well sign up if you dont


              didnt know about it... ask havoc szotyii :D


                Go for it. Why not?


                  what gimmick strats... like early rosh or w/e?


                    "honestly though your record seems pretty good and you have a 5k team rating so... I don't get why you are wording your question in such a vague manner."

                    yeah we won all our unranked cms and tmms so far, but ye wcrimed against a "real team" yesterday, and they also had like 5k team rating, and got totally stomped and some of us didnt really know what they had to do and just run cluelessly over the map.

                    "You need to all sit down and visually see what went wrong, and look at the larger 5 man picture. "

                    gonna do that thanks


                      mind linking the game you guys lost? Mby it was the picks and/or the approach you guys took with them rather than individual hero skill difference. Like you guys wanting the mid to have an ez game and win the game but getting cournered or smth like that



                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          guys this guy^ is cool no flame or trolling plz XD


                            it all depends on his post INIT. We're very fair here

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              yup, y u type my name like das?
                              Just saying fun to play with him and ezy freaking 37 mmr


                                i think my brain is fried... i thought i always used Ynit :D.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  haha, all good.

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