General Discussion

General DiscussionI can play Exort Invoker but not Wex Invoker.

I can play Exort Invoker but not Wex Invoker. in General Discussion

    Any ideas?


      Hahah. My main invoker when in started was exort played it 189 games and didn't play invoker for a while then. When I started playing invoker exort again I couldn't play him I found him so hard. So I started wex and I found that way so easy and now I wish that I could play exort because when I go wex I can't carry


        Wex Invoker just for teamfight right?
        Tornado>EMP>Ghost walk on enemy
        i do that before, EMP and tornado dmg isn't good to kill enuff :3


          In general, I feel that Wex Invoker contributes less to the team. Ghost Walk is easily countered by dust, Sunstrike's global range really outclasses EMP. Also, his last hitting is atrocious. Rushes Orchid slower than Storm/Qop/Puck etc.


            takes time getting used to it as the play style is entirely different.
            just need to get used to timings with tornado emp, and to do that you need to practice.

            easily is more useful in teamfights than exort voker.


              no theres no ideas its literally nado emp and if u couldnt do that then u couldnt voker in the first place

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Wex Invoker contributes 10 times more than Exort Invoker but if you don't, then you are playing it wrong.


                  So you're the typical invoker that can euls someone and cast the shitty standard sunstrike, meatball, deaf blast combo and not play anything else.


                    how about KS-ing with SS?
                    that's pure skill :"

                    on our way.

                      I need help with this hero.


                        Dotabuff: where you can get flamed for stating "I can play this hero"


                          sadly you think you can