General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone playing like this?

Anyone playing like this? in General Discussion

    I play invoker with only a mouse, just curiuos anyone else playing like this?
    P.S yes, its possible :)


      I think I had a pudge today in my team who only played with his mouse


        Lol, i playing only one hero - invoker with a ONLY a mouse(just dont like use keyboard with him). With all other heros im using QWER:)


          mb thats why youre in normal skill

          meow maniac

            p sure half the players in my MMR bracket do this. feel free to play w/ us sometime


              Sooo...buying a functional keyboard = double your MMR?

              I knew I was doing something wrong.

              The Ice Truck Killer

                How do you deny? Console commands set to right click deny? Must be inefficient last hitting with export and presumably trying to both deny and heal with quas?


                  How many buttons your mouse has?


                    if i make macros then use super easy basicly same as easy keyboard


                      i played some lowpriogames with only my laptop tactil mouse(?)


                        Of course it's possible. Doesn't make it good.