General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp a 3.1k player to get to 3.5k

Help a 3.1k player to get to 3.5k in General Discussion
HungrY WolF

    Hello Dotabuff users,
    After playing more than 1300 matches I finally feel I can get marginally better. My win rate for ranked matches is an abysmal 46% in 92 matches and I want to get it up to 50%. My preferred hero is Bristleback (people underestimate him a lot in 3k) and sadly he is the only hero I can play in a standard that can be considered average. So I need some new heroes that can work well in this bracket and can be played reasonably well with a 460 ping. Also some analysis on performance till now will be greatly appreciated.

    (First Post in Dotabuff. Cheers.)


      'First Post in Dotabuff. Cheers'

      Enjoy the flame


        Spam jugg ez and go mid

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        King of Low Prio

          play heroes u dont suck at

          HungrY WolF

            Hmm. My juggernaut is not terrible and I really like Samurais. Will try that. Thanks.

            King of Low Prio

              good it is extremely hard to lose playing the samurai


                its same easy as with any other hero

                id recomend to learn how to rat properly improve ur map awarness and play mobile heroes that can have impact to the game (cores)


                  Hailrake WK is good.

                  P.S. 460 ping??? Wat

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Get better Internet, ez 6k

                    Howard Donald

                      Better internet will get you MMR.

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        There's pretty much big difference between an sub 3 player and middle 3.5k player in terms of skill, sometimes.

                        It really depends what hero you're playin' and how much you can stomp normal tier games compared to high-vh skill games.

                        Just keep pracitcing, you'll get there.


                          be agressive. i noticed this playing with some 4,5k friends (im 3k). they didnt miss a chance to hit towers. there was a small group fight on mid, and my 4,5k guy playing ursa as single carry just when sides and took both t3s in like 2 waves of creeps each. thats the biggest diffrence i could see in our gameplay. he was giving up farm to push with every ocasion.

                          Dire Wolf

                            you can't win with 460 ping... what server are you on?


                              i play with 400 ping sometimes, its fun.
                              i just won with meepo, with 400~ish ping half the game.

                              HungrY WolF

                                I play in SEA server. As I have never played with lower pings I do not know how the ping affects my games.
                                The problems I have in most games are:
                                1) Map awareness
                                2) Decision Making
                                3) Last hitting

                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  if u play with 400 ping i suggest you jungle exclusively with waypoints


                                    sniepr afk under tower with 400 ping np

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