normal skill = up to 3.2K MMR
high skill = 3.2-3.7K MMR
very high skill = 3.7K mmr +
is around those numbers
i´m lvl 10, my KDA ratio is around 3.9, 57% win rate... but i have NORMAL SKILL... i don't now...
maybe any one send me some tutorial, How to play HIGH SKILL?
get good- you have so many things that you could improve on but you don't know it. And btw high skills not even that good. Just watch your own replays and you will see so many things that you do wrong or could do better
makes no sense im always way above 5k and ive been in high skill games (solo que)
altho majority is very high
It is based on the average mmr of all 5 players, if you normally skill Very High and have a long queue you may be grouped with lesser mortals.
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What is the difference between NORMAL SKILL, HIGH SKILL and VERY HIGH SKILL?