General Discussion

General DiscussionLow priority 16>6 trick not working anymore?

Low priority 16>6 trick not working anymore? in General Discussion



      i dont understand you, can u try to explain it better?


        u are mad/surprised because valve fixed an obvious bug?


          Yeah I m mad cus I m getting every 2-3 day low prio, ppl random report me if I ping them once or tell them that they bought wrong items. Mute isn`t enough now 16 low prio again rofl gg


            someone reported it to the reddit authorities.


              Just mute everyone. Bam, never again in LP.


                how on earth do you keep ending up in LP? just looked at your match history and it is pretty much every day.

                i think you should start a new account under a new identity. how much time do you waste playing bots?!

                the realm's delight

                  i did it 2-3 days ago and it worked.however a friend tried it yesterday and from 13 games he abandoned every game and ended up with 25 LMFAO poor guy

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    rofl why did he even try it multiple times


                      to be shoore


                        I think they fixed it.


                          stop wasting time, play ardm and finish your games in five minutes


                            ardm usually takes longer than that honestly.


                              play deathmatch and feed rosh.


                                ^ You gonna get a 15 min queue and 9 players with a different goal :D

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  So recently I was in low priority for the first time. Instead of my usual only EU west que I added East and Russia and selected AD and ARDM as game modes. AD was fun and ARDM game lasted 7 mins or so.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I haven't been in low priority in a long time but main issue for me in it was half the people are those with connection issues so they abandon before game starts and game doesn't count. Can take 2-3 load ups to get a game to count. While you can knock out a normal game in ~40 mins game time plus ~5 search and startup a lo priority can take twice that.


                                      it does work

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Can someone share the trick with me? Just in case I end up in low priority again.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          pick tiny and keep throwing creeps at creeps game will bug and u get mmr and no lp.


                                            IT IS NOT WORKING THEY FIXED IT! I did it before multiple times before and it worked but today it is not working. Vaikiss ( We Say NO! ) is just trolling. The trick before was you go into a game and when is picking phase when someone in your team pick a hero you leave and abandon a game than do that one more time and is 16 to 6 low prio games instant, than you need to play that 6 more. Also a trick is if someone abandon a game which already started and you picked a hero already you can leave a game if someone in your team gonna play till end and win, it will count for you even if you already started a new game.


                                              @_B O G I_

                                              Shut up, I checked some matches in your history that has dotabuff plus and read your chatlogs.


                                              This is just a short snip of all the garbage that he spouts in his games. There are rarely people who frequently get low priority that do not deserve it. You deserve it, piss off.


                                                As you can see thats how I won 6 low prio games in 1 hour. I get blink dagger and lvl 6 on Kotl and at 5-6 min. I summon a afker necrophos or riki into a trees they abandon a game and I leave at 10-11 min. into a game and start new one.


                                                  oh man bogi i feel abit bad for you :D you truly want to improve and it seems you are stuck in a negative cycle.

                                                  i found sth that made me laugh, maybe it can cheer you up a abit too



                                                    Shemaforash No, I don`t deserve low priority I deserve mute. That`s 2 different things I do not ruin games and I don`t feed on purpose and I have like 60% win rate in last 50 ranked games. I get more reports cus I talk too much and that has nothing to do with gameplay.


                                                      You do realize you are ruining games when you flame and say stupid shit?

                                                      Attitude is so fucking important in dota its ridiculous, and your trashy attitude limits you from improving, and sadly you don't see it yourself.

                                                      For instance, WhaT tHe FUck Do YUO EarN bY WRitINg "FUCK TEAM OP TREE BANG I LIKED UR MOM"


                                                      If you ever grow out of your current situation, you will look back at yourself and think: What a fucking kid I was

                                                      ^That's a common thing for a lot of people. However, not everyone gets out of that situation.


                                                      Bogi, you changed your attitude into a positive line, but you're not one of the winners. You fall back to your trashy attitude which limits you.
                                                      Fuck DotA, take a pause if games too frustrating.


                                                        ? My mmr is growing every day. Are you fucking kidding me bro C9.DD? I had a Silencer without a 1 spell vs jugger/venge lane how to win a game go watch replay it is still not expired. I ll be a fucking 6 k mmr who cares if I m low prio today I ll get 100 mmr this evening.


                                                          I simply play better and I m muted so I won`t talk to much and be anoying so mmr gonna be ez


                                                   This song is so good oh god so good