Cus people don't know how to play him and he makes games long due to his nature of being a defensive hero. I mean you pick techies and you get painful shit like this.
Notice how both are over 50 mins. He pretty much annhilates enemy team pushes and just makes games longer, delaying the inevitable or giving a late game carry a chance. So he can be awesome on some teams but I'd rather have the game end sooner than have to play super defensive.
"No chance to help win for allies Late game."
That's not true, if enemy team doesn't have good range tower dmg then techies can just mine the waves/team pulls the waves that come and use his ult on heroes. It's really hard to push uphill vs a techies.
No idea and i feel your pain
i find saying "pick a lategame hero like void/dusa" kind of softens the blow. cuz noobs love to farm creeps you know
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why does this hero get so much hate in ranked