General Discussion

General DiscussionDispersion Mechanics

Dispersion Mechanics in General Discussion

    I'm a bit confused about Dispersion...

    is the amount of damage dispersed based off the pre or post-armor/magic resistance damage dealt to Spectre?

    if Spectre blocks an attack will she disperse the pre or post block damage amount...?

    if going for a radiance build is it terrible to skip desolate to max dagger and dispersion? seems logical that if you're not building any tank and not looking to gank (bar haunt kill securing) then you're better off with dispersion over desolate. i'd get the minimum of dispersion needed if i was going diffusal though. guides seem to say to max dagger+desolate but dagger+dispersion is more popular according to dotabuff.



      Desolate is so good- 65 extra pure damage at level 7. idk maybe go drums or something first, or at least Aquila but don't max dispersion first


        Dispersion is based off hp lost, so post reduction/amplification.

        Desolate works on illusions and deal damage even if the attack misses - a bonus point people forget.


          if you have impossible lane then yeah, you can go for dispersion.
          think last time I did that I went 1v1 vs centaur.


            Thanks - so getting armor/block reduces the amount of dispersion that's done.

            Strange that dotabuff says most people max dispersion - maybe it is dominated by earlier patches.