General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase solo normal rating?

How to increase solo normal rating? in General Discussion

    How many normal games I have to win to get Very high?
    In ranked I often play ranked party with my friend. We have 62% winrate over 82 matches in high skill, he has 3,8k mmr and I have 3,3k, and I play mid. I have 3,2k mmr solo and climbing. But I rarely play normal.

    So, when I play normal solo matches I am matched with 2k players and often stomp in them.
    How many games I have to play in order to get at least High skill, consider that I win most of them and always have the best KDA/GPM? 10? 50? 100? Does anyone have experience in this?

    I also have a smurf that is already very high.


      Normal is like ranked, just that the tolerance between mmrs is bigger, I think up to 500, and people don't try as hard, they pick heroes they're not best with, they do stupid shit just for fun, they chat more, they buy funny items, they play all hero challenge...


        I remember it taking me not so many games to reach vh from normal. I. Might ne giving more points than ranked, but not too much.


          Narandza IDK man I often run into teams that want to win not less than in ranked. at least people don't call mid and safe farm as soon as the picking starts and their ego is not boosted much. Just telling from my experience.


            Yeah, they also rage less, however they don't care so much about winning the game.
            @Nuxon you were in normal skill and reached very high?
            I don't know, I feel in my smurf I get enjoyable and balaced games in very high, while on this account I either stomp or get stomped cause skill level is very low.
            But I'd like to play on this account and get good games as well


              A "very high" game is a game where average mmr is above 3700. You can get "very high" games regardless of mmr as long as your team's average mmr is higher then 3700.

              The "High" threshold is at 3200 I think. Anything lower then that is "Normal".

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                  I don't need to abuse any hero, I'm already climbing ranked by playing my hero pool. My question was only related to normal matches and how fast you can rise that rating by winning most of the matches


                    "I don't need to abuse any hero, I'm already climbing ranked by playing my hero pool."

                    Still at 3.2k tho :)


                      If you're already climbing with your hero pool, why are you making this thread?

                      Low Expectations

                        yeah no I was just matched with a guy who was 2,2. And he was not the only one gg game ruined. more than 1,5-2k mmr diffrence between players in unranked


                          "If you're already climbing with your hero pool, why are you making this thread?"
                          Man, can you read? I'm simply asking how normal matchmaking works and how fast the rating goes up. This is not retarded matchmaking rant

                          "Still at 3.2k tho :)"
                          Yeah, but not stuck, it's low but I climbed from 1.6k so i'm pretty proud of it