General Discussion

General DiscussionWhatever I love you all

Whatever I love you all in General Discussion
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      2 players from here plays eel as well

      Giff me Wingman

        i am so gonna watch this

        the realm's delight

          >allstar game
          >10 anonymous players


            LMAO the team description

            Your entertainers - the teams - will be as follows :
            Allstar Team A:
            1) SMMN
            2) Bogidoto - May or may not be slightly inebriated
            3) Vandead
            4) Horror
            5) Noktis
            Allstar Team B:
            1) IAmMilz
            2) Bab3denisa
            3) Furcifer
            4) Fenrirr
            5) Lordstar

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              OMG REAL FENRIR?? Kappa


                Yes cus I was drunk yesterday :/

                the realm's delight

                  pudge kka first 2 bans. alright im out


                    """""""allstar"""""""" match

                    the realm's delight

                      this game:
                      - tinker agha
                      - dagger & basher medusa
                      - bogi feeding
                      - bogi building linkens vs tinker/bristleback
                      - autist caster talking about bloodstone charges 90% of the game

                      puppey and notail wouldve been glad to cast this game

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                      Giff me Wingman

                        Slark couldn't carry Bogi fat ass

                        BOgI LoSt BoTh MaTcHeS AnD gOt ReKt MiD BoTh TiMeS!

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                          First game I wasn`t even trying second game I get rekt played bad it happens their tinker palys Eel anyway and this games was just for fun soo )


                            Hope you guys had fun on twitch, I was imagining twitch chat everytime I died :D

                            Mortimer Smith

                              Best sf on 3k :DDDD


                                Its hard to play with 3k players and 1 2k player and carry them with sf vs Lion,sniper,Slark,Ember actually game was easy but 3ks decided to go feed 1 by 1 after we had 2 lanes of raxes


                                  Thats why I will never again play with them they are even ignorant and not listen at all anything thats why they will forever be 3k

                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                      "3ks decided to go feed"

                                      4k Bogidota: 12/12/25

                                      "it's hard to play with 3k and 1 2k player and carry them with sf"

                                      YNIT : 3.6k at this moment: 540 GPM/614XP

                                      Bogi_SF_doto: 498/610GPM

                                      He forgot to say:

                                      It's hard to "carry" them when I'm little kid by myself and I delete people because I can't face the truth:

                                      Slark, Ember, Lion, Sniper and Abba were actually a 3k stack, that I wasn't able to win with my SF-superior 4k skill.

                                      After he claims he's 4.8k and he's such PRO doto beign, he decided to delete me.

                                      Woah! My heart is broken, I feel so sad. Bogidota, can I add you again? Please, forgive me.

                                      Please, forgive me, you retarded thrash. Delusional idiot.

                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        "they are even ignorant and not listen at all anything" LOL you were just pinging and saying things in bodjoka language

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          so pubstar match? lol I don't know anybody are they suppose to be some sort of DB stars?

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            BOGI GETTING OUTPERFOMED BY YNIT LOL

                                            LOSING to 3K TRASH LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

                                            Mortimer Smith

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                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                Bogi can't handle 3k people LoL

                                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                  every bogi thread ends this way


                                                    [IM] Jacky Lmao That match was pub match ixdl open allstar showmatch was different games


                                                      Shred you to bits I don`t wanna have any more communicate with you and deleted you only because you have this syndrom you have no actual idea how bad you are:



                                                        With your 3300 mmr you said that if you played Sf you couldve carried that game rofl that was just for a instant delete in life I have never read anything that stupid in my whole life.

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                                                          bogi making excuses cuz bad


                                                            Need Boost 3k to 5k and you making stupid commends because you are retarded



                                                              Giff me Wingman



                                                                  Shred you to bits I m sure if I played with Vroksnak game and he played for example Naga Siren and we lose game if after I game I say to Vroksnak dude if me as 1500 mmr lower than you played Naga Siren we couldve won I m sure he will delete the same way I deleted you. It just showing how full of yourself you are and that you don`t respect better players than you. That`s why you will be stucked at 3.3 - 3.7k forever till you change that. Because you think YOUR SF SKILL LVL IS A GOD LVL just because you played that hero 100 + times.


                                                                    'I never readed anything that stupid in my whole life.'

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      LOL BOGI HYPOCRITE

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        POPCORNS?! DAFAQ


                                                                          OOOH HERE WE GO AGAIN.
                                                                          COME ONLINE

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            Satanic on SF so bad this game and pretty sure Desolator on PA would have done more this game than abyssal.

                                                                            Low Expectations

                                                                              then again having people like x6 and shred you to bits might actually make you lose your shit so you play worse

                                                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                                                funniest game on all my doto history


                                                                                  Where is megapenis on all star team? where is heeeeeeeeeeeeee

                                                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                                                    you were able to carry my game, bogi wasn't

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                                                                                      ^ well gg

                                                                                      AXXAXAXAAX MEGAPENIS STILL FED IN THIS GAME XAXAXAAXXAXAXA I LOVE HIM

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                                                                                        dont hate on bogi, read thread title.


                                                                                          WEll HAvoc CARriED Not FYQQ tBh

                                                                                          BoGI mMy BOy Allstar 2015


                                                                                            bogi talking about dunning kruger LMFAO